Tuesday, December 16, 2014

White Liberals Are Such Frauds. They Ridicule, Sneer, And Make Jokes About Blacks And Then Kiss Up To Them. Sony Emails Are A Great Insight Into The Soulless Hollywood Elites.

Juan Williams: Sony Hack Unmasks Hollywood's Intolerant 'White Liberals'

Monday, 15 Dec 2014 12:00 PM
By John Blosser
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Fox News Channel contributor Juan Williams has issued a scathing denunciation of Hollywood white liberal movie-makers after the revelation of blatantly racist comments about President Barack Obama from Sony top executives Amy Pascal and Scott Rudin.

"What they have revealed is how demeaning and patronizing their liberal minds can be even when the man is the leader of the nation," Williams is quoted as saying in Real Clear Politics.

"Let’s take a long look at white liberals revealing themselves so nakedly, condescending to even the president of the United States because he’s black," Williams said.

In a series of private emails released as part of a hacking attack on Sony, Pascal, who was about to attend a Democrat fundraising event with Obama, asked Rudin: "Should I ask him if he likes Django?" Rudin replied, "Or ‘The Butler’… or ‘Ride-Along.’ I bet he likes Kevin Hart."

"I know from personal experience at National Public Radio that white liberals can be very intolerant if they suspect they are dealing with a black person who is not afraid to depart from liberal orthodoxy," Williams said. "In my case I was fired and afterwards described as a bigot in need of a psychiatric care.

"White conservatives are always on defense against charges of hating President Obama because he is black, suppressing minority voters and indifference to the difficulty minorities have living everyday with the legacy of slavery and a culture filled with stereotypes of black inferiority.

"This week white conservatives can take a break, step out of the dock and make way for white liberals."

Both Pascal and Rudin have apologized profusely, with Rudin telling Deadline: "Private emails between friends and colleagues written in haste and without much thought or sensitivity, even when the content of them is meant to be in jest, can result in offense where none was intended. I made a series of remarks that were meant only to be funny, but in the cold light of day, they are in fact thoughtless and insensitive — and not funny at all.

"To anybody I’ve offended, I’m profoundly and deeply sorry, and I regret and apologize for any injury they might have caused."

Pascal told Deadline: "The content of my emails to Scott were insensitive and inappropriate but are not an accurate reflection of who I am.

"Although this was a private communication that was stolen, I accept full responsibility for what I wrote and apologize to everyone who was offended."

In some circles, the hacking is thought to have originated from North Korea as revenge for the Sony comedy "The Interview" about the assassination of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.

Williams said that while the emails reveal a "dazzling display of white liberal hypocrisy," they also show the need for Congress to "move cyber-security to the top of their agenda next year."

Fox News radio host Kevin Jackson said the emails are "more of a condemnation of the black films that get made and the idea that these guys are ridiculing these films yet they're obviously patronizing to the black audiences that go to see them."

Liberal radio talk show host Leslie Marshall told Fox: "I think it's completely offensive not only to the numerous African-Americans who buy tickets that help pay the salaries of these folks at Sony, but to the talent, the many producers, directors, actors and actresses that are also African-American. It's very offensive."

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