Friday, January 2, 2015

Boehner Must Go For Several Reasons. The Least Of Which Is That He Is NOT A Leader!

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I got an email from John Boehner the other day. Maybe you got it, too.
It was one of those shameless sucker pitches for cash from the House speaker.
But it included a revealing double entendre. The Republican leader, who has accommodated, appeased, enabled, empowered, facilitated, endowed and run interference for Barack Obama and his party said this: “Friend, we’re already behind the Democrats.”
First of all, let me state that John Boehner is no friend of mine. Nor is he a friend of constitutionally limited, representative government. But he is unintentionally truthful when he states that he and his leadership style are “behind the Democrats.”
That’s really the problem in a nutshell, John. You’re already behind the Democrats, buddy boy. That’s why the people who voted Republican in the last election want you dumped as speaker of the House. You’ll always be behind the Democrats in both senses of the word “behind.” You demonstrated that you were behind them right after the midterm election by enabling Barack Obama and the Democrats to continue their policies that are destroying the country – from funding Obamacare to funding their illegal amnesty action. You’re also behind them in setting the course for future Democratic electoral wins through the betrayal of the voters who empowered you less than two months ago. More money can’t help you because you don’t offer a real alternative vision to the Democrats. That’s why I’m spearheading the“Dump Boehner Now!” campaign.
Boehner meant to say Republicans were already behind the Democrats in fundraising. That is no doubt accurate. The billionaires and the occupy crowd both line up behind the Democrats. Do you know why? Because Democrats actually do what they say they’re going to do – even though it is destructive to the country and completely misguided. They represent their constituencies, such as they are, faithfully. Republicans don’t. They don’t do what they pledge to do – the very things that get them elected. And they don’t represent their constituencies – faithfully or even half-heartedly.
That’s why Boehner, the hapless, visionless stalwart of establishmentarian Republicanism at its worst, needs to go. He needs to be rejected as House speaker by Republicans for the sake of the country, for the sake of the Republican Party and for the sake of constitutionally limited, representative government.
It’s not just Boehner’s betrayal immediately following the Republicans’ stunning voter mandate in the midterm election. When he brokered legislation funding Obamacare and Obama’s lawbreaking executive amnesty gambit, it was just the latest capitulation to unaccountable rule by the permanent political establishment in Washington. I saw this coming four years ago when Boehner was swept into power in the 2010 midterm election.
Before he was even sworn in as speaker, Boehner had raised the white flag of surrender to Obama and Democrats by announcing the political equivalent to unilateral disarmament – that he would unconditionally support the raising of the debt limit, thus giving Obama all the money he could need in his bid to “fundamentally transform America.”
It wasn’t just a political miscalculation or error on Boehner’s part. He did it again and again every chance he got over the last four years, all the while parroting Obama’s own goofy talking points about how we could not allow America to default on its debt obligations.
Of course, these irresponsible spending policies that continue today under Republican control caused the downgrading of America’s credit rating. And borrowing and spending not only goes unchecked, the unsustainable policy is not even talked about by Republican leadership. It’s not even on their radar. It’s a non-issue, a non-problem, a non-crisis for both parties.
I don’t believe Boehner truly represents the House Republicans. Maybe I’m wrong. I believe collectively they are better than their leadership. I hope they just need a kick in the pants to remind them of why they ran for Congress.
At least it’s worth a try.
If you haven’t taken advantage of this opportunity to have your say with the people who count, please do so now. If you have already done so, please spread the word to your friends and family members and talk up the campaign on social media.
We may not get another chance.


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