Monday, January 26, 2015

Doctor Shows School Officials To Be The Fools They Are!

BOOM: Dad Shuts Down School’s Attempt to Enforce Michelle’s Lunch Rules in Just 2 Words [PHOTO]

Saturday, January 24th, 2015
If you had told me, in the halcyon days of 2008, that the school lunches could possibly get any more vile, I would have said you were lying. That, sadly, was before recess nutrition became the pet project of our first lady, and things took a turn for the worse.
Now, the only way to get your child out of the mephitic trash that appears on their plates every lunch period is to pack your lunch themselves. However, even that can get you in trouble, as this doctor found out.
His response was priceless, and has gone viral. Now, the Missouri father is being hailed as a hero for those fighting the petty enforcement of the first lady’s new lunch regulations.
Dr. Justin Puckett received a nasty letter from a busybody teacher regarding his daughter’s lunch.
“The cafeteria reported to me that Alia’s lunch today included four chocolate bars, a bag of marshmallows, Ritz crackers and a pickle,” the letter read. “Please see that she packs a proper lunch tomorrow.”x
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The letter then requested for a parental signature. That’s where Puckett struck back:
Ouch! The response went viral when Puckett posted the letter to Facebook.
“Unfortunately, the letter didn’t have what she had, correctly,” Puckett told KTVO-TV about his daughter’s lunch.
“She had four pieces of ham, a whole protein meat, she also had some pickles, which we admittedly cheat on pickles every once in a while as a vegetable, because some fights just aren’t worth having.”
“She also had four marshmallows in a Ziploc bag and then she had three very small pieces of chocolate, of which she ate one for lunch and then she also gave her brother and another friend one at an after school program.”
The principal of the school has since called to apologize to Dr. Puckett, saying that “assured me that they understood that our daughter was being fed appropriately and that there was a little bit of an overreach with the way that was handled.”
Translation: please don’t embarrass us on Facebook again.
The incident involving Dr. Puckett illustrates a valuable tool in the arsenal of those fighting bureaucratic overreach. When this sort of ridiculousness is brought to light, it makes those responsible look silly.
It’s unlikely Puckett would have gotten an apology – or even the time of day – from school officials had they not been thoroughly embarrassed for their pathetic behavior on Facebook.
Now if only they could apologize for Michelle Obama’s inedible school lunches.

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