Friday, January 16, 2015

Egyptian Liberal News Makes Disturbing Allegation About Obama

Tweets from the Director of Research at the Brookings Center in Doha, Qatar revealed disturbing accusations regarding the Obama family and the president’s life in Indonesia.
Newspaper also claims that son of MB leader threatened Obama w- release of ‘papers’ revealing his MB membership,” Shadi Hamid writes, via Al Jazeera.

The newspaper not only accuses Obama of being a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, but it also claims that the president’s half-brother Malik is an al-Qaeda activist.
Jonathan Spyer, senior researcher at the Global Research in International Affairs Center, toldTheBlaze that the Egyptian newspaper Al-Wafd alleges that Barack Obama originally embraced the Muslim Brotherhood while living in Indonesia.
Even more condemning is the paper’s claim that Muslim Brother leader Khairat al-Shater has threatened to release a document proving this claim.
However, Spyer believes that the allegations are simply the ravings of angry citizens, steeped in the Egyptian view that Obama’s policies are pro-Brotherhood.
These are not the first times such allegations have been made. During protests calling for former President Mohammaed Morsi’s resign, demonstrators waved signs criticizing Obama for his involvement.
Eric Trager, Egypt scholar at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, told TheBlaze that this type of reporting is consistent with Egyptian tabloid media.
“Many Egyptians blame the United States for allegedly supporting the Brotherhood, when in fact we simply worked with the government that they elected, and some in the Egyptian media have repeated ugly conspiracy theories about President Obama to depict American policy as subversive,” Trager claims.
However, Shadi Hamid of Brookings reiterates that “the sheer unbridled creativity of Egyptian media knows no bounds. This sort of outside-the-box thinking bodes well for #Egypt’s transition.”
The accusation is telling of the Obama administration’s refusal to recognize the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, although the Egyptian government has already declared it as such.
Are the newspaper’s accusations an angry jab at failed foreign policy, or are they founded in some sort of truth? Let us know your opinion in the comments.
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