Monday, January 5, 2015

Even Award Ceremonies Are Colored By Protesters! This IS A Country In Decline!

100-Year-Old Vet Disrespected By Ferguson Protesters Has INCREDIBLE Response

A day in which a veteran finally receives the credit he’s long been overdue is a day like no other. One set of Ferguson protesters, however, decided a 100-year-old veteran’s award ceremony would be the perfect place to voice — or scream — their opinion, but he wasn’t going to let them ruin his day.
U.S. Navy Veteran Dario Raschio was finally set to receive a slew of medals which he earned in World War II. During the event held at Portland Community College in Oregon, where Senator Ron Wyden was going to carry out the award ceremony, attendees noted Raschio’s well deserved and seemingly permanent grin that he’d been wearing since stepping through the doors.
Before the event, the humble veteran said, “I feel I’m no hero. I don’t accept it as being a hero. I accept it as being a part of my job.”
100-Year-Old Vet Disrespected By Ferguson Protesters Has INCREDIBLE Response
That feeling of long-due recognition, however, quickly came toppling down as a group of about 100 Mike Brown/Eric Garner supporters came ripping through the door, shouting the all too familiar “hands up, don’t shoot” and “I can’t breathe!” chants. Although we here in America pride ourselves on having declared the right to free speech, there is a time and place and this certainly was not it.
During the initial chaos as protesters first barged into the hall, one was heard declaring, “This is our town hall now!” Another, shortly thereafter, threatened an elderly officer, saying, “I’ll break your jaw, old man!”
After about 15 minutes, Wyden was able to convince the protesters to pipe down so they could go through with the rest of the ceremony for which Raschio had been waiting so long. According to The Oregonian, “[Raschio] was awarded the U.S. Naval Aviator Badge, the American Campaign Medal, the Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal, the World War II Victory medal, the American Defense Service Medal, the ‘Ruptured Duck’ award and the U.S. Navy Honorable discharge pin.”
100-Year-Old Vet Disrespected By Ferguson Protesters Has INCREDIBLE Response
Giving an example of just one of the heroic things Raschio had done during his service, it was explained that his plane was shot down in 1944 while on an observation mission. Thinking he and his crew would surely die after having landed in the ocean, they were all very pleased to see a Destroyer ship coming their way just as sharks began to circle.
Raschio shortly thereafter relayed to his superiors the location of an ammo dump he’d seen before crashing while flying above, which was subsequently destroyed.
100-Year-Old Vet Disrespected By Ferguson Protesters Has INCREDIBLE Response
After a brief description of his noteworthy acts of heroism, he was called up to say a few words when the protesters started screaming again, this time demanding our soldiers in Iraq to be returned home. As any good veteran would do, Raschio looked them in the eye and said over top of their chants, “Give me a chance,” before saying, “Let’s show a little respect for this occasion.”
This resulted in those in the crowd to break out in applause and begin cheering before Raschio concluded by saying, “God bless America. And you people who are here for a cause, whatever it might be, show respect for Senator Wyden.”
100-Year-Old Vet Disrespected By Ferguson Protesters Has INCREDIBLE Response
Of course, the self-consumed protesters ignored what Raschio had said and again shifted focus in their direction. One protestor ran to the front of the room and declared that “for 4.5 minutes we are going to take time to pay respect to everybody who has been killed by police in this nation.”
The demonstration took a bit longer than 4.5 minutes, turning that into a 45 minute chant session, causing the Town Hall to cancel the remainder of its events for that day.
Senator Wyden later reflected on the incident, saying, “I think that the symbolism of having a veteran 100 years old, who fought so gallantly so that those who disagree with government policies and want to exercise their First Amendment rights could be heard, that’s what made today so poignant.”
100-Year-Old Vet Disrespected By Ferguson Protesters Has INCREDIBLE Response
Unfortunately for those protesters, they’re more than likely too thick to understand the concept. The fact that they decided to protest during an award ceremony celebrating the heroism of a veteran only goes to prove that further.

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