Saturday, January 3, 2015

If You Are Hetero Sexual, You Are Bad. If You Believe Homosexuality Is A Sickness, You Are Homophobic. The World Today!

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“Gay pride” is now the de facto state religion in America.
If you even think homosexuality, lesbianism and “transgenderism” might be sinful, you are a modern-day heretic – worthy of scorn, ridicule, fines, abuse, even loss of your business or job.
Bible-believing wedding cake bakers, photographers, videographers, florists and caterers have all faced lawsuits and government coercion to participate in same-sex marriage celebrations.
And now, the Rhode Island Supreme Court has joined the witch hunt against Christians who take their Scriptures and faith seriously by throwing out lawsuits brought by two Providence firefighters who said their constitutional rights were violated when they were ordered to drive a truck in a gay pride parade despite their religious objections.
The firefighters, Theodore Fabrizio and Stephen Deninno, argued that they are Roman Catholics and, therefore, do not and cannot support or condone homosexuality.
Seemed like a reasonable request given the First Amendment.
Not so, ruled Justice William Robinson, writing for all five members of the state high court in December. He wrote that the men appeared in the 2001 parade as public servants who were “relatively anonymous.” He called it a legitimate work assignment.
A couple questions come to mind:
  • How does “relative anonymity” excuse the coercion of people to violate their religious convictions?
  • How is attendance and participation in a “gay pride” parade a legitimate work assignment for a firefighter?
But these are the kinds of questions one cannot ask in the present state-enforced religious orthodoxy that goes something like this: “Gay is good. Thou shalt not allow your medieval prejudices based on misreading and misinterpreting of ancient myths to inhibit the forced celebration of all things gay.”
Do I have that about right?
This is another rather stunning ruling that places enforcement of the radically new secular humanist pro-gay ethos above the tenets of Christianity and Judaism, not to mention the heartfelt religious convictions of individuals.
Look at the twisted reasoning behind subjugation of the free exercise of religion: “The respondents’ appearance in the parade, solely as members of the Providence Fire Department, did not constitute a form of expression on their part. Rather, it was simply the accomplishing of a task assigned to an engine company of the Providence Fire Department.”
But it gets worse when you consider the abuse and harassment experienced by the firefighters forced to participate in this public exhibition and celebration of perversity.
The two lawsuits, filed in 2004, were brought against former Mayor Buddy Cianci and James Rattigan, who was fire chief in 2001. The firefighters sought compensatory and punitive damages for violations of their freedom of religion and speech. While the court said the men were assigned to work the parade because they served in an engine company that was closest to the parade route, the firefighters asked to be reassigned to other duties – like firefighting. That request was denied, according to their lawyer.
But to add insult to injury, the firefighters said they experienced sexual harassment from parade-goers and their co-workers.
Any sane, rational, moral person who has been in the vicinity of a “gay pride” parade knows exactly what these firefighters were alleging. I’ve seen it firsthand. I once had the misfortune of spending Father’s Day with my wife and small children in a city celebrating “gay pride.”
We were subjected to public nudity, crudity and rudity with impunity and incredulity.
After the parade was over and I thought it was safe to go outside, I took my young girls for a walk – one of them was in a stroller at the time. A group of about a half-dozen lesbians approached us with catcalls of “breeder, breeder!” I mean you can’t make this stuff up. It’s amazing the straightjacket America is forcing on its people in the phony names of “diversity” and “tolerance.”
In a truly diverse and tolerant society, we live and let live.
That’s not the case under the emerging homo-orthodoxy.


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