Monday, January 26, 2015

Islamic Attacks In US Are Coming. Anyone Who Believes Different, Is Naive. It Is Time To Prepare For The Worst!

Gear up; evil is coming

Welcome to France, 2015. Years of appeasement and a willingness to “welcome” all people, all ideas, and all religions have created a killing zone in what some people call “The City of Light.”
Well, there is no light shining from the Muslim extremists who have shown the entire world that tolerance is something they demand but will not extend to others. If you dare mock The Prophet, you will be marked for death. Muslim clerics like Anjem Choudary demand that all people follow Sharia law or should be put to death for failure to do so. Here is the video.
It’s getting lots of play on the Internet because Sean Hannity closes out the interview by calling Choudary “an evil SOB” because Choudary said the terrorist attacks on the French magazine were justified. But that is not the most important element of this interview. I know Hannity wants to control his own show; but if he would shut up long enough to let his guest respond, he would have heard an amazing response to his statement: “On the other hand, you say this is a peaceful religion.”
This statement comes at 7:44 in the interview and Hannity starts jabbering again just as Choudary says, “Who said it’s a peaceful religion?”
All of our lovable liberal neighbors tell us Islam is a peaceful religion and we should not judge all Muslims by the actions of the radicals. I don’t believe that for a minute and stand by my statement: “A radical Muslim wants to cut off your head, and a moderate Muslim wants a radical Muslim to cut off your head.”
But what does that have to do with concealed carry? This is where I bring it all together. The attacks we saw in France will continue. They will come to the United States.  It’s time to start thinking about how you might respond.
If we see rifle-toting Muslims on the streets of this country, they will be on the streets of our cities with the most Draconian gun laws: New York, Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Washington, D.C. is likely out as a target because the city expects terrorism. But those other cities are soft targets. Police can’t be everywhere, and a couple terrorists with rifles could wreak havoc in locations where American citizens are unarmed.
So this begs the question: What are you prepared to do? You see, in the United States, where the 2nd Amendment is the law of the land, you would not be left with only a video camera from a second-story window. You could, if you felt right about it, engage those terrorists with your legally owned firearm. We all know that when someone engages an active shooter, the killing spree stops. So I would hope you engage. I would hope you try to stop an active shooter, regardless of his nationality or religious affiliation.
But what about all those other cities that are not soft targets, like Dallas, Miami, Phoenix, and Milwaukee? Radical Muslims might bring their rifles to those cities where people would actually shoot back. As much as those radicals would like to become martyrs, they will not be able to kill as many people with rifles if they are faced with incoming rounds. My guess is we will see more bombings like we saw in Boston. Such a bombing provides the shock value and can produce a huge body count without the fear of gun-toting Americans throwing shots at the bad guys.
Which brings us back to the question: What are you prepared to do?
You can’t fight back against bombers at the time of the bombing, but you can be ready to help out in the event of an emergency.
I’m suggesting you carry your gun everywhere you legally can and you carry a trauma kit so you can, if needed, give first aid to those in need. It’s time to think about what you are prepared to do. Gear up. Evil is coming.
If you would like a short checklist of things that will help you be ready on the worst day of your life, click here.

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