Friday, January 23, 2015

Race Hustlers Like Sharpton Are Not Going To Slow Down Promoting Hate And Violence. It Will Be Worse This Summer And In 2016, The Country Will Explode In Riots!

Black Sheriff to Al Sharpton: 'Go Back Into the Gutter'

Thursday, 22 Jan 2015 06:15 PM
By Jason Devaney
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke has a message for the Rev. Al Sharpton: "Go back into the gutter."

During an interview on "Fox & Friends" Thursday morning, Clarke, who has been making a name for himself as a conservative commentator in recent months, was discussing the police shooting in Ferguson, Mo. from last summer.

When asked to comment on Sharpton's remarks in the wake of the shooting that left an 18-year-old black man dead, Clarke was blunt.

"I don't expect anything intelligent to come out of the mouth of Al Sharpton," Clarke said.

"The next intelligent thing that comes out of his mouth will be the first. Al Sharpton ought to just shut up and go back into the gutter that he came from."

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The segment was centered on Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, who will reportedly not face federal civil rights charges for shooting Brown. He was cleared of criminal charges in November.

Sharpton said over and over the shooting was race-based because Brown did not have a weapon on him. But the evidence, released by St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert P. McCulloch, showed Brown attacked Wilson several times, leaving the officer no choice but to use his gun.

Clarke also had harsh words for Attorney General Eric Holder, who traveled to Ferguson after riots and violent protests broke out in the St. Louis suburb. Holder vowed there would be a federal investigation into the shooting, even after the grand jury's decision in November that said Wilson acted in self defense — and even after Holder's options to charge the 28-year-old officer were limited. 

"Just take a look at the history here. This isn't the first time that he has done this sort of thing," Clarke said of Holder. "He sat up there for months just slandering law enforcement officers all across the nation. He's the one in Ferguson, Mo. that brought up the racial profiling term. That we were gonna end racial profiling once and for all. He invoked that into this thing, when that was never any part of what happened in the tragedy between officer Darren Wilson and Mike Brown.

"This is habit now for this Justice Department under Eric Holder, and I just think it's a shame."

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