Monday, January 5, 2015

Reporter Gets The Taste Of Some Bitter Medicine And Doesn't Like It!

The Woman Who Published Darren Wilson’s Address Found Out How the Real World Works

Saturday, January 3rd, 2015
When the Oxford English Dictionary publishes its 2015 edition, you may want to check the entry for “hypocrite.” I’m pretty certain it’ll have Julie Bosman’s picture next to it.
Bosman, you may recall, is the The New York Times reporter who decided to publish officer Darren Wilson’saddress in the wake of the grand jury’s decision not to charge him in the death of Michael Brown.
When Bosman disclosed the street where Wilson and his pregnant wife were residing, controversy ensued and the reporter received widespread criticism for her actions.
One of the sources of the criticism was her own employer, The Times.
The “newspaper of record” (if the year were 1978) decided that the address of a man receiving hordes of death threats from rioters and race baiters didn’t exactly fit under the aegis of their motto, “All the News That’s Fit to Print.”
Story continues below.

The Times issued a statement saying that printing Wilson’s address “may have been unwise in such an emotionally fraught situation,” which is sort of like Hitler admitting he may have had a slight problem with border incursions.
The paper and its not-so-intrepid reporter probably thought that was the end of the whole affair. However,Bosman had forgotten a certain adage about payback and how it’s somewhat akin to a female dog.
In retribution, bloggers found and posted Bosman’s address online, sending the reporter scrambling hysterically for protection from the very people she had sold out — the police.
And apparently, she did so in a none-too-subtle fashion.
“She came in thinking she was Steven Spielberg or something shooting a movie,” a source within the ChicagoPolice Department was quoted as saying (H/T Western Journalism).
The source confirmed that not only did she grossly exaggerate the threats she had received, but she demanded “top-tier” protection of the sort usually accorded to movie stars and visiting dignitaries.
So, let’s review: Reporter publishes address of police officer who isn’t charged with a crime. Uproar ensues. Reporter has her address published. Reporter demands that law enforcement put their lives on the line for her because she endangered the life of a police officer.
How do you think the Chicago police responded? Much in the manner you probably did.
“The police laughed at her,” the law enforcement source said.

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