Friday, January 2, 2015

The Threats Facing The US In 2015

Author(s):  Unknown
Source:     Article date: December 30th, 2014

On last night’s Glenn Beck Program, Buck Sexton looked at the top ten threats according to the Council of Foreign Relations.
Here’s how the CFR’s list broke down:
1.    The intensification of the conflict in Iraq
2.   A large-scale attack on the U.S. homeland or ally
3.   A cyberattack on U.S. critical infrastructure
4.  A severe North Korean crisis
5.   The renewed threat of Israeli military strikes against Iran
6.   An armed confrontation in the South China Sea
7.  The escalation of the Syrian civil war
8.   Rising violence and instability in Afghanistan
9.   Increased fighting in eastern Ukraine
10.   Heightened Israeli-Palestinian tensions
Buck added the threat posed by America’s open borders, one that he believes will only intensify given this administration’s immigration policies.
“We definitely cannot forget about a major problem in 2015 that we’re 100% going to be dealing with, the border—still not secured, and given the administration’s policy, given the executive amnesty, it’s very likely to get worse, isn’t it? You see, many people fear America’s weakened borders means an increased likelihood of some kind of attack as well,” Buck said.
The Council of Foreign Relations website explained how they came up with the list:
This fall, CFR’s Center for Preventive Action (CPA) solicited suggestions from the general public on potential conflicts that could erupt or escalate next year. CPA narrowed down the nearly one thousand suggestions to the top thirty, and invited more than 2,200 government officials, academics, and foreign policy experts to rank them by their potential effects on U.S. interests and likelihood of occurring in 2015. CPA then categorized the scenarios into three tiers, in order of priority for U.S. leaders.

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