Sunday, January 25, 2015

When The Press Pay For Race Hustling, They Are No Longer In The News Business!


Guess Which 2 Major Media Companies Are Funding Al Sharpton’s Racist Mission?

There has been some speculation as to who is actually funding the activities of Reverend Al Sharpton, since he doesn’t have a congregation making contributions. With the assistance of Fox News business reporter Melissa Francis, anchor Megyn Kelly recently tracked down the sources of Sharpton’s support. At least two of the funders may surprise you.
Sharpton’s National Action Network serves as the funnel for his funding. It holds a major fundraiser in October. It turns out both NBC and Comcast are major contributors – at the “Preacher” level – to NAN. When Francis went to NAN for confirmation, they refused.
“Funding and promoting him on every level has raised a lot of ethical questions amongst journalists,” Fox business reporter Melissa Francis said.
“It shows just how deeply NBC and Comcast are wed to Sharpton and everything you see him out there doing, how wedded they are on every level.”
“And it goes both ways,” Francis continued. “Comcast got Sharpton to lobby the government in 2010 to help the acquisition of NBC-Universal go through.”
“Then, the next year, in 2011, they hired him and they gave him his own show, his own pulpit.”
“Then they funded his organization and they put their journalistic stamp of approval on all of his actions.”
The fact that they obviously support his mission, and the level of investment they have in him, may explain why MSNBC has not dropped Sharpton, although his show gets consistently low ratings.F

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