Friday, January 9, 2015

When Trump Brings Up Guns In Paris Terror Attack Discussion, Leftist Anti-Gunners Go Nuts!

BOOM: Donald Trump Sums Up the Paris Terror Attack Perfectly in Just 1 Sentence

Friday, January 9th, 2015
The world watched in terror as Muslim extremists killed 12 people at the offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. The brutal scene was flashed on television screens across the world.
As Donald Trump watched the horror unfold, the billionaire and political pundit went to Facebook to share his thoughts on the terror attack. The message went viral, sparking both controversy and support for Trump’sposition.

“If the people so violently shot down in Paris had guns, at least they would have had a fighting chance,” Trump wrote.
That a conservative suggested that gun rights and self-defense save far more lives than they claim sent liberals into a hate spiral, and they descended on the Donald’s Facebook feed.
“This might be the stupidest statement i’ve heard all day. as frenchmen living in paris i find this really offending,” said one poster. “I thought you would support our people through this difficult day, as our Liberty is wounded.”
Notably missing from that statement, you may perhaps have noticed, is any valid argument addressing the substance of Trump’s statement.
“You truly have lost it that is by far the dumbest thing you have ever said and let’s be honest you have said a lot of stupid c*** lately,” another poster said. Again, no real argument (or grammar, for that matter), but a lot of bluster.
The liberal argument for gun control has always been either a prima facie one — saying that guns are bad because of course guns are bad — or using firearm statistics taken wildly out of context.
The idea that guns may save lives, especially in states that allow widespread open or concealed carry, is foreign to the liberal mind.
They simply refuse to believe that people have a right to self-defense ordained by our Creator and protected by our Constitution, believing instead that banning guns will reduce violence by taking guns off the street.
Gun control takes some firearms off the street — those that belong to law-abiding citizens. Those used by criminals will still be out there.
The Charlie Hebdo massacre is evidence of just how this works. The criminals had the guns, and those being shot at were left with no way to defend themselves.
Once again, Donald Trump was right. And some Facebook users took notice of this.
One may have summed it up best: “Trump for president!!”

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