Friday, January 23, 2015

Who Is Thinking In Washington? Who Is Watching The Store? Obviously No One!

IRS contracts for Obamacare service with company behind botched rollout

CGI Federal, the same company the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) essentially fired following the disastrous launch of in 2013, now holds a contract with the IRS to help manage the tax enforcement agency’s Obamacare tax program.
According to The Daily Caller, seven months elapsed between the time HHS sent CGI Federal packing and the time the IRS award the company a fresh contract to help it carry out its Obamacare enforcement.
“After facing a year of embarrassing failures, federal officials finally pulled the plug on the company and terminated CGI’s contract in January 2014,” the DC reported Wednesday.
“Yet on Aug. 11, seven months later, IRS officials signed a new contract with CGI to provide ‘critical functions’ and ‘management support’ for its Obamacare tax program, according to the Federal Procurement Data System, a federal government procurement database.”
That new contract is worth nearly $4.5 million and runs through mid-August.
An attorney with a nonprofit government watchdog told the DC that CGI Federal — even before the IRS went vendor shopping for its Obamacare program — had become the “poster child for government failure.”
“I am shocked that the IRS has turned around and is using them for Obamacare IT work,” the Project on Government Oversight’s Scott Amey said.
That might sound like typical partisan hyperbole, were it not for the fact that CGI Federal has other recent blemishes on its record of helping deploy Obamacare websites.
“Last year, CGI was fired by the liberal states of Vermont and Massachusetts for failing to deliver on their Obamacare websites,” the DC notes. And Massachusetts’ Obamacare site “never worked, despite the state paying $170 million to CGI.”

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