Friday, January 30, 2015

Women In Muslim Countries Do NOT Have Any Rights. Why Are The Women's Libbers So Quiet?

We believe that every woman who thinks that her life in the West is bad and particularly in the US, should be required to view the attached video.  They might not be so quiet when it comes to Muslim's treatment of women!

Everyday when we hear complaints about how badly women are treated i.e. "women earn 70% of men", we nearly vomit. First of all the statistic is not accurate and secondly things could be very much worse for women!

How would these women react if they could not work, or drive a car? What would they do if they could only leave their house if they had a male relative with them? These are some of the prohibitions of the "peaceful religion" of Islam.

Women who believe that things are great for Muslim women have drunk the propaganda put out by Islam or are so stupid they have not investigated the facts.

Should you know any woman who believe that Islam treats women well, have her view the following video and see if she changes her mind.  If this does not, give her a one way ticket to Saudi Arabia!

Conservative Tom

Here is the link:

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