Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Is Obama An Enigma Or A Liar?

Barack Obama is a very opinionated guy.
He doesn’t take things at face value. He looks deeper into issues than most people. He sees things ordinary, less-gifted people miss.
Take, for instance, ISIS.
The rest of the world – Muslim, non-Muslim – look at this Satanic, bloodthirsty army of rapists, sadists, barbarous mass-murdering terrorists who quote Muhammad and praise Allah and seek to impose Shariah law and see Islamists.
Obama sees something else.
They can’t be Muslims, he says. Because Islam is a religion of peace.
Obama cites examples of professing Christians in history who perverted their faith and committed cruel and unspeakable crimes in the name of God while lecturing today’s Christians not to get up on their high horse in condemning the acts of ISIS.
But here’s the part I don’t understand: Did Obama exculpate today’s Christians of any guilt for the crimes of those who proceeded them a thousand years ago or 500 years ago or 200 years ago? Did he suggest those who committed atrocities during the Crusades and the Inquisition and slavery were not truly Christian because Christianity is “a religion of peace”?
This is where it gets confusing for me. Because I didn’t hear Obama say that. In fact, for all the times he has insisted without equivocation that Islam is a “religion of peace” and without referencing even once the 1,300 years of Muslim conquest by the sword, I can’t recall him ever feeling the need to characterize Christianity as “a religion of peace.” Instead, he chose to associate Christianity with the most evil deeds of those in the church’s darkest hours.
Is this an oversight?
Also, has he ever once attempted to deny a professing Christian his or her right to call himself one?
I keep going back to Obama’s own professed Christian beliefs, adopted, we’re told, during 20 years sitting at the feet of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, close friend and associate of Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam – the “pastor” he was forced to repudiate publicly after the world got to see and hear his shocking and vitriolic condemnations of America, “the Jews,” the Zionists, the “illegal” and “genocidal” state of Israel, among other outrages.
When I questioned the sincerity and depth of Obama’s Christian beliefs, many criticized me. Some said, “He calls himself a Christian – that ends the discussion.”
Maybe that’s right.
But if it’s right, isn’t it equally correct to allow those who profess Islam as their faith to simply take their word for it – especially if they are well-schooled in their beliefs?
I wonder what basis Obama has for questioning the religious zeal of those who call themselves Muslims? Who is he to judge? Is he an authority on Islam? What makes him so? In short, what is it that he knows about the history of Islam that causes him to repeat ad nauseam that it is a “religion of peace”?
Here’s what concerns me: Obama has made many claims since he entered public life. In his early life in politics, before anyone had really taken the notion of “same-sex marriage” seriously, he was already a proponent of it. Then, when he ran for president, he said he was opposed to it and believed God ordained marriage as an institution between one man and one woman. Then, when the “same-sex marriage” idea became more popular, he decided he favored it after all.
He told Americans with a straight face during a presidential campaign that his national health-care plan would allow them to keep their doctor, keep their health insurance and that their premiums would drop by thousands of dollars a year. He knew that was wrong, but he said it any way to get elected.
In other words, Obama lies. I could cite countless examples of convenient, politically motivated lies he has told in seeking office and while in office.
Which raises the question, “Why would anyone believe anything Obama says?” Does he mean it when he says Islam is “a religion of peace”? Or does he say it because it serves his political purpose. And why does he say it repeatedly when Muslims are publicly executing Christians because of their faith – beheading them in videos they proudly release to the public?
Why doesn’t he talk about the faith of those victims? Why do his public statements not reflect compassion for the Jews who were murdered by Muslims in France? Why doesn’t he refer to their faith – especially their peaceful faith?
It’s very strange indeed.
Perhaps Obama’s knowledge of Islam is limited to his own experience as a youth living in Indonesia when he attended an Islamic school and found the shahada – the Muslim call to prayer – “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.”
I believe if someone knew what that call has meant in Islam’s bloody history of genocide and forced conversion right up to this moment, they might think twice about saying that.
But that’s just me, I guess.
Then again, anyone who could sit in the pew at Wright’s church for two decades and fail to grasp the offensiveness, the vile anti-Semitism, the hatred of America and the racist nature of his pastor, anything is possible, I suppose. Maybe he just sees the best in people. Maybe he’s just smarter than all the rest of us.
Or, maybe he’s just a liar who will say anything and do anything to get his way – no matter the consequences to others.
So, I’ll leave it to you. What do you think?


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