Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Learn About Medieval Islam And Its Expansion Over The Known World. Very Interesting Video

We hear about the caliphate, the ISIS movement and radical Islam all the time. Yet we do not know to what they are referring until we look back historically.

Islam controlled most of the known world for centuries so the desire to regain that position of power for power hungry leaders is normal. However, the world is not as it was in 700-1800. It is entirely different.

To understand Islam we must understand history, a fact that is missing on many. As the old saying goes, paraphrased  "If you do not remember history, you are bound to repeat it.." We are repeating it and for those leaders (i.e. Obama) who do not recognize the issue, it will be very dangerous for the country they represent.

The following video shows the progress and regression of Islam as it conquered the known world. It is an impressive accomplishment that should sent shivers down your spine when you realize that this is what ISIS wants to repeat.

The link for the video is:


Conservative Tom

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