Monday, February 23, 2015

The Longer Obama Lets ISIS And Iran Go Without Saying " Enough Is Enough" The Stronger They Get And The Harder It Will Be To Stop Them In The Long Run. Obama Is NOT A Friend Of The US Or Israel!

Democrat Says Something about Obama on TV She’s Not Supposed to Say

Democrat Says Something about Obama on TV She’s Not Supposed to Say
Tulsi Gabbard is a Democrat from Hawaii.
She’s also a military veteran, as well as a very outspoken critic of how Obama has handled terror threats these past few months.
In an interview with Greta Van Sustern she blasted Obama and his weak leadership when it comes to fighting terrorrism.
As TPNN reported:
This is not just about words. It’s not about semantics. It’s really about having a real, true understanding of who our enemy is and how important that is, that we have to understand what their motivation is and what their ideology is — the radical Islamic ideology that is fueling them.”
Rep. Gabbard said she understands what Islamic extremism is, and understands its dangers, because she came face to face with during her time in the military. She said, “It’s a real problem because of a very simple reason, actually. And that is something that I learned that is military 101, but something that’s easy for everyone to understand, and that is if you are at war, which we are, you have to know who your enemy is to defeat them.”
Gabbard also slammed Secretary of State John Kerry’s statement that al Qaeda terrorists were participating in “criminal conduct rooted in alienation, poverty, thrill-seeking and other factors.”
She contended, “”If that’s really the cause, then the solution would be just to give them a trophy, give them a hug, give them a good-paying job, $10,000, and a skateboard so they can go and get their thrills and say, ‘OK, great, they are going to be happy and they won’t be fighting anymore.’ That’s not the case.”
Gabbard continued, “So, we’ve got to look at what their ideology is and how that’s fueling these tragic attacks that keep on occurring.”
It’s refreshing to see a Democrat take issue with how Obama has handled (or refused to handle) terrorism from Muslim groups.
Right now the President is letting these religious groups grow at an alarming rate, and he’s letting them have their way unopposed.
He’s even gone as far as helping to run guns their way as was recently revealed by top generals investigating Benghazi.
It appears Obama is simply waiting so he can play a big hand down the road.
Every time he is inactive and tolerant of radical Islam is another day where a bigger, stronger attacks becomes more likely.
It’s time he does something, but it’s doubtful he ever will.

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