Tuesday, February 17, 2015

What Happens When ISIS Controls Iraq, Syria? Is Caliphate On Its Way?

Giuliani: ISIS Fight Could Result in 'New Iranian Empire'

Tuesday, 17 Feb 2015 12:42 PM
By Wanda Carruthers
Iraq, Syria and Yemen could become part of a "new Iranian empire" if the U.S.-led coalition is successful in defeating the Islamic State (ISIS), former New York City Republican Mayor Rudy Giuliani told Fox News' "America's Newsroom."

"If you allow Iran to help you defeat ISIS, which we seem to be doing ... one [enemy] gone, and (allow) a new Iranian empire, which is what the Iranians are trying to do and have been trying to do from the beginning — nobody's looking at that, and they should," Giuliani said Tuesday.

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The administration of President Barack Obama should be clear in identifying the ISIS threat as radical Islam, because it hurt militarily not to do so, and the failure also didn't address the concerns of moderate Muslims, Giuliani said.

"It doesn't set up the fact that the religion has an interpretation that is incorrect, that is horrible, that is brutal, that needs to be changed. It doesn't challenge that.

"[Obama] thinks he's somehow being euphemistic about Islam and not hurting people. He's actually hurting them a lot more. People who are against it, Islamists who are against it, it makes them feel like 'we're all the same,'" Giuliani said.

Obama has also come under fire for not identifying Jews and Christians who have been victims of ISIS attacks. Giuliani said the militants admitted their motivation when they "announced that this was being done to people of the cross, it was being done because of their faith," and that it was "very, very troubling" the president would not state that.

"[ISIS] left no ambiguity about why these people were being killed. They were being killed as crusaders, people of the faith, people of the cross," he said.

Obama has also refused to label the ISIS militants as "radical Islamists." Giuliani said the militants may "misinterpret their religion," but stressed "it's done for that reason."

"[Religion is] the connecting force. Without identifying the connecting force, you have a very, very hard time analyzing it, understanding it, being able to fight it intellectually, being able to fight it as a war of ideas, as well as militarily," he said.

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