Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Why Is The Religious Community So Quiet When It Comes To ISIS?

With every passing day we read  about different Muslim groups who have killed, maimed, captured, tortured, burned, shot Christians,  Jews and other Muslims. It does not matter the name of the group is ISIS, Boko Harem, Hamas, al-Qaida or a number of other groups,  response by the White House or State Department is laughable. But what troubles us the most is the lack of condemnation by many religious leaders.

Yes, the Pope made a statement. Yes, Chaldean Christian leaders have tried to make the world know what is going on in Syria and Iraq. A few Jewish groups have spoken out about the terror that Christians are experiencing.Yes, others have said things but there are only words. Where is the action. Where are the marches? Where is the fundraising to help those displaced in Syria? Where are the demands that the UN stop these groups?

Christians are facing their own form of holocaust in Syria, Nigeria and elsewhere around the world and yet those who should be speaking out loudest are silent. Why? Are they afraid to be branded as an "islamophobe?" 

Whatever the reason, Jews should be in the forefront of the movement. No group should be more sensitive to the "Christian Holocaust" than Jews. They know what happened 80 years ago when no one, including the US, would come to the aid of European Jewry. Now it is time for them to help their Christian brethren.

Where is the Presbyterian Church?  They have time to condemn Israel yet they are silent on the Christians being murdered daily. Where is their balance? Why do they criticize Israel where all religions can be practiced, yet are silent on murdering thugs?

As we mentioned, the Pope did condemn the killing of the Coptic Christians, however,  the intent of ISIS is to capture Rome which means the Holy See would be destroyed. What would Catholicism do without a Pope or a Pope in exile?

Why are the world religious leaders not supporting Egypt's President el-SISI who has called for a modernization of Islam? Are they afraid of the backlash against them?

It is time for ALL religious leaders (including those moderate Muslims who do not agree with ISIS) to come together to force all governments and the UN to fight this scourge that is intent on destroying all religions with the exception of the radical Muslim movement. A Caliphate will not be good for anyone other than those running it.

We challenge every religious leader to speak out, to condemn in the strongest language, the actions of these radical Muslim movements around the globe. If not, there might not be someone to speak for you when they come to your door!

Conservative Tom

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