Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Will It Take The Loss Of American Lives To Awaken Obama To The Iranian Threat

A replica of a US ship explodes during Iranian naval maneuvers.

IRGC Navy Commander Ali Fadavi. (Photo:
According to an Iranian commander, “The Americans, and the entire world, know that the American navy is one of our targets, and it will take us 50 seconds to destroy every US warship.”
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) launched on Wednesday massive
 war games, code-named the Great Prophet 9, in the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf, according to reports from Iran’s Press TV and AP.

The drills, which reportedly focused on a possible face-off with US forces, started
with maritime mine operations by speedboats as well as the firing of four
 coast-to-sea missiles in the strategic Persian Gulf region and the Strait of Hormuz.
Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi, RGC’s navy commander, said that 20 new missiles
 would be tested during the military exercises. Senior Iranian officials attended
the drill, including Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani and Revolutionary Guards
commander Gen. Ali Jafari.
The drills featured the firing and testing of a wide array of military and naval
equipment and missiles. At one stage, two ballistic missiles, which blew up
an Iranian-built, life-size replica of a US aircraft carrier, were fired, according
 to Arab media. The target was reportedly completely destroyed by the missiles.

Show of Force

Fadavi said last April that “the Americans, and the entire world, know that
the American navy is one of our targets, and it will take us 50 seconds to
 destroy every US warship.”
Iran also fired coast-to-sea and ground-to-ground ballistic missiles during the drill.
US ship
The US ship before its explosion. (Photo: PressTV)
The maneuvers, which involve
“state-of-the-art military
equipment,” are aimed at
demonstrating IRGC’s prowess
 in defending the country’s
interests in the Persian Gulf and
 Strait of Hormuz, Press TV reports.
Iran has conducted several
 war games in the past months,
ostensibly to enhance the defense capabilities of its armed forces.
During negotiations with the P5+1, however, the Islamic Republic has repeatedly
claimed that its military might poses no threat to other countries, reiterating that
 its defense doctrine is based on deterrence.
General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan, chief of the Iranian army’s ground forces,
stated during a massive military maneuver in December that “the country’s army
wants to convey a message of peace and friendship to neighboring states
 through this military drill.”
Cmdr. Kevin Stephens, spokesman for the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet in Bahrain, said the
Americans  were were monitoring the drills and were “not concerned” about this
development, AP reports.
In the meantime, new details have emerged about Iranian efforts to destabilize
 the Middle East. According to information given by Western intelligence officials
 to Fox News, Unit 190 of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s Quds Force is in
charge of smuggling weapons to terrorist groups throughout the region, including
 Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthi rebels in Yemen.
Iran, which supports the Assad regime in Syria, as well as Hezbollah in Lebanon and
the Houthi rebels in Yemen, is the primary backer of militant Shi’ism in the Middle
 East. Iran recently resumed its funding of Hamas terrorism against Israel.
By: United with Israel Staff
With files from Associated Press

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