Friday, March 6, 2015

A Few Thoughts By A Concerned Indian By S. Suchindranath Aiyer

S.Suchindranath Aiyer is a commentator on our blog, Conservative Musings. We have enjoyed his comments, so we asked him to expand his thoughts into a full length article. What follows are his thoughts.  

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Conservative Tom

Obama is just the Cherry on the Ice Cream of Saudi Strategy. The Saudis really hit pay dirt when they diverted Bush and his cronies and cohorts into Iraq after Afghanistan. Consider: (1) They distracted the US from their Nuclear Bomb and Terror wielding sword arm, Pakistan. (2) They toppled Iraq which with state of the art medical and educational services, discos, bars, and thriving communities of Christians, Jews, Yazidis, Shias and Kurds was anathema to the Saudi Caliphate. (3) With Iraq, they set the stage for toppling Syria which, like Iraq, with state of the art medical and educational services, discos, bars, and thriving communities of Christians, Jews, Yazidis, Shias and Kurds was also anathema to the Saudi Caliphate. (4) They drained the US off Three Trillion Dollars and five thousand (plus) soldiers in Iraq rendering it as unfit as Britain and the rest of "NATO" to wage another war or do the right thing about Islam. As a strategist, I can't help admiring the Saudis. They will have achieved their prophet's vision of enforcing the sharia on the rubble of civilization without effort, loss of life or expenditure. They have even successfully got the US and its poodles in Europe to beard Russia which is the sole remaining obstacle to the creeping hegemony of Islam at great cost to the poodles!
One of the most dangerous developments in the presently evolving propoganda is the attempt to pin the blame for Islamic terrorism on Iran instead of Saudi Arabia.  From former Four Star Generals and Admirals tetifying before Senate hearings  in the footsteps of Colin Powell, to others, there is a deliberate misinformation being produced to divert the wide spread and seething anger against Islam to Iran (Shia)  rather than the real pepretrators who are the Saud-Qatari-Kuwaiti-Pakistani (Sunni) cartel.  This is analogous to the diversion of 9/11 anger to Iraq from Pakistan by the Bush- Blair cabal and  if, indeed, the West invades Iran instead of dealing with the Sunni Armies in Mesopotamia, South Asia and Africa which are now spreading through Europe, may well concede unopposed victory to the Sunni Caliphate. 
There seems to be more misconception about Al Qaeda than any information. Al Qaeda was formed by the CIA and Pakistan's ISI to train students (Taliban)  from Saudi Wahabi Madrassas around the World in Guerrilla Warfare to chase the Russians out of Afghanistan. It received methodology, kits, ideas and instructors in "terrorism" from such unlikely places as Ireland, Germany and Spain with US help. Subsequently, it became the Staff College of Saudi-Wahabi guerrilla warfare to enable the Saudi-Wahabi agenda of establishing the Saudi Wahabi Caliphate of the Sharia, with all its primitive, atavistic brutality as  was preached by the Islamic Prophet and Caliphs as they spread their Empire in the name of religion by the sword of rapine, enslavement and plunder. Today Al Qaeda (the base) is defunct. It has been since it was granted safe haven in Pakistan by an arrangement between the US High Command and Pakistan brokered by the Saudis. This pax was broken by Obama who, unlike several of his predecessors, (since the bombing of Belgrade and the deflection of US 9/11 anger to Iraq from theprincipal (nuclear armed) Saudi sword arm Pakistan), is not under Saudi "influence" and had Osama Bin Laden assassinated. What exists now are successors to the Al Qaeda methodology that have improvised, improved and spread out and continue to train Taliban indoctrinated in Saudi funded Madrassas and Mosques around the World. So, effectively, there is no such thing as "The Base" (Al Qaeda) now. As for terrorism, this is hardly at the acme of its strength yet. It wll continue to grow and strengthen to achieve its objective of the Global "Caliphate" enforcing the atavistic "sharia" in Emirate (country) after emirate. The aquifers of Mosques and Madrassas funded since more than forty years all over the World by the Saudis and with the Qatari and Kuwaitis doing their bit is limitless and has formed into myriad regiments under  yriad names of which oko Haram, Al Shebab, ISIS and Pakistan Army are only a few. It receives its greatest encouragement and strength from the liberal democracies of the World that continue to appease it rather than confront an Islam that is as much a political party as a religion, and primarily impelled by the ideology of establishing the global Islamic Empire or "Caliphate".
Walt Disney succeeded in giving the US the image of a Great Dane puppy. Not true. The US is a Polyphemes going on Sindbad with the Saudis playing a wily and oily "Old Man of the Sea". The Saudis buy the venal opinion and decision makers of the West and this gives them access to an enormously powerful armed forces, media and other resources. Thus US strategy which is pro-Caliphate trumps its tactics and operations designed to appease its vote-fodder. To ascend the throne of Arabia, the House of Saud entered into a pact with the chiefs of the Wahabi tribe to push the PBUH's mission to establish the Caliphate (or "Khilafat" so beloved of Mr. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, his successors and assigns) on the rubble of all other civilizations and cultures. They have been pursuing this agenda assiduously using the Oil gifted by their BiGod with a price mechanism negotiated by the Harvard educated Yamani. They cavort with the decision and opinion makers of the US.
They funded Clinton's bid for Presidency and he gifted them their first ethnically cleansed emirate in Europe after 1489 by bombing Belgrade for 84 days. They are frequent guests at every Bush home. They have funded Madrassas to raise Taliban (students) for more than half a century. They funded and aided Pakistan's "Islamic Bomb" as well as half the budget of the Pakistani Army (for which eight divisions are stationed in Saudi Arabia at any point of time, by rotation). Slowly and without much remark. Kicking Russia out of Afghanistan gave them the grand opportunity to get into an islamic alliance with the US. After 9/11 and Afghanistan , they deflected the US to the quagmire of Iraq to protect their sword arm, Pakistan and demolish the prosperous, secular threat to their PBUH's ambition. During Sochi, when they tried to deal with Russia to get support for over throwing Assad. for which ISIS was trained and armed by the US, Putin gave Saudi Prince Bandar marching orders and threatened to bomb Mecca if there was a terrorist attack in Sochi. Since then, the Saudis have got the US and its surrogate NATO/EU to start beefing up against Russia. MH-17 is a US false flag intended to further this agenda. There seems to be more misconception about Al Qaeda than any information.
Al Qaeda was formed by the CIA and Pakistan's ISI to train students (Taliban) from Saudi Wahabi Madrassas around the World in Guerrilla Warfare to chase the Russians out of Afghanistan. It received methodology, kits, ideas and instructors in "terrorism" from such unlikely places as Ireland, Germany and Spain with US help. Subsequently, it became the Staff College of Saudi-Wahabi guerrilla warfare to enable the Saudi-Wahabi agenda of establishing the Saudi Wahabi Caliphate of the Sharia, with all its primitive, atavistic brutality as was preached by the Islamic Prophet and Caliphs as they spread their Empire in the name of religion by the sword of rapine, enslavement and plunder. Today Al Qaeda (the base) is defunct. It has been since it was granted safe haven in Pakistan by an arrangement between the US High Command and Pakistan brokered by the Saudis. This pax was broken by Obama who, unlike several of his predecessors, (since the bombing of Belgrade and the deflection of US 9/11 anger to Iraq from theprincipal (nuclear armed) Saudi sword arm Pakistan), is not under Saudi "influence" and had Osama Bin Laden assassinated. What exists now are successors to the Al Qaeda methodology that have improvised, improved and spread out and continue to train Taliban indoctrinated in Saudi funded Madrassas and Mosques around the World. So, effectively, there is no such thing as "The Base" (Al Qaeda) now. As for terrorism, this is hardly at the acme of its strength yet. It wll continue to grow and strengthen to achieve its objective of the Global "Caliphate" enforcing the atavistic "sharia" in Emirate (country) after emirate. It receives its greatest encouragement and strength from the liberal democracies of the World that continue to appease it rather than confront an Islam that is as much a political party as a religion, and primarily impelled by the ideology of establishing the global Islamic Empire or "Caliphate".
It is as absurd to assume that the Obama-Kerry regime has a "foreign policy" as it is to assume that the US ever had. The US walked into one war after another serendipitously or for reasons totally un-related to the wealth of American citizens or for the good of the "World". Like Obama at West Point, it attributed its fortuity and the enormous natural resources plundered from the displaced American Natives to its sagacity and noble intentions. As a result, America is festooned with unintended consequences, notably the furthering of the Islamic agenda, rather than any noble "leadership" or choice of "leadership style". It is good that Obama claims that the US will not go into wars without a clear perspective, international sanction, partners and legal propriety. In this, he breaks with the "foreign policy" of the Clinton-Albright regime that bombed Belgrade for 84 days to give Islam its first ethnically cleansed enclave in Europe since 1489 and with the George W Bush-Dick Cheney- Colin Powell - Don Rumsfeld-Tony Blair regime that invaded Iraq on the back of the "West's" rage over 9/11, some blurred photographs projected on the UN wall and against law and the will of the International Community to deflect attention from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia which is where the 9/11 terrorists originated from, albeit, they had their base (Al Qaeda) in their hapless emirate of Afghanistan which is where the CIA trained and armed Islamic Terror and left behind messy loose ends as is its wont everywhere and will now repeat in Afghanistan-Pakistan when the US cuts and runs. The Tweedle Bush - Tweedle Blair regime knocked out the sole secular (if socialist and Baathist) counterpoises (Iraq and Syria) to the emerging Islamic Caliphates (Shia Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia) that had been engineered by players of the "Great Game" on behalf of a receding empire post World War II.
But Obama's caution in war mongering is not a matter of choice. This is making a virtue out of a vice because, while the Tweedle Bush - Tweedle Blair genocide in Iraq enriched many individuals, and particularly the cronies of the regime, it rendered the US too war weary, confused, and resource strapped for further wars at the present juncture of History. Islam is immune to US pressure and probably pay rolls too many opinion and decision makers in the "West" for chances to be taken with Islamic oil. As for Russian gas, it is a problem for Europe, and while Russia solidifies its relationship with China, the US has a market in Europe to sell its Fracking Gas at enormously higher costs than the Russian dispensation rendering Europe's fealty tenuous and hard to keep. Obama-Kerry cannot claim a "foreign policy" any more than the preceding White Hice (Houses). This regime is moving with the traffic and blustering about in a fair imitation of Hollywood that turns every US defeat into victory to massage the psyche and war readiness of the American people and bring recruits to West Point. But they lack the fortuity and the resources that earlier regimes have enjoyed to pretend to similar "success". Napoleon wanted lucky generals and the american unwashed want lucky Presidents. Ukraine is a classic example. Bereft of intelligence, the "West: simply continued the momentum of animus towards Russia and a suspicion of Russia inherited from the Cold War and fed it into a psyche honed by Hollywood, Salem, Mc Carthy and Edgar Hoover rather than any erudition or intelligence polished with the untested assumption that Russia was a "permanently" vanquished foe. Boldly, the "West" continued its East ward conquest through NATO and the EU under a threatened (technically unfeasible) missile shield disregarding all protests and appeals to reason. Obama is right that NATO was thus strengthened. But this was a self fulfilling prophecy. This aggrandisement hit steel at Crimea which is vital to Russia's strategic interests. That Europe, NATO and the US were surprised and indignant at Russia's reaction shows how lacking they are in intelligence, foreign policy and sensitivity. That the "West" continued to exercise the "ghost limb" of their substituted intelligence with respect to Eastern Ukraine long after Putin had announced that that he was not going beyond Ukraine (before Crimea acceded to Russia) and that Obama actually claimed credit for having stemmed a non existent Russian tide with "sanctions" underscores that the "West" has neither intelligence nor foreign policy The unintended consequence of the White Hice not having intellgience or foreign policy over decades is that the the US has conjured the World into four quadrants i.e. Westitia, Russchinia and Insignificantia to the benefit of Islamia. Very messy for a US that does not have the fortuity, the acumen and the resources to walk in through the swing doors with six guns blazing as the great unwashed america would like. For now.
The current phase of Islamization began when the Saudis did a deal with the Wahabis in order to ascend the throne of Saudi Arabia. They committed to establish the global caliphate under the Sharia. Then came Sheikh Yamani and the re negotiation of the oil contract. Thereafter, the Saudi pumped money into Madrassas and Mosques around the world to generate Taliban (students) who would adhere to the real tenets of Islam and follow in the foot step of their "Prophet" as demanded by the Wahabi. All this happened long before Afghanistan. Afghanistan was, perhaps, the first major pustule of the current phase of Islam. Qatar and Kuwait also began to pump oil money into the same enterprise. The US and Pakistan put together a Staff College for the Taliban Army called "Al Qaeda" (the base). The US got instructors from  terrorist organizations around the World to train Al Qaeda (IRA, Baader Meinhof, Red Army, Basques, to name a few) and armed the Taliban. The tactic was successful in getting the Russians out of Afghanistan and the Taliban filled the vacuum. The Taliban are indoctrinated not to political or geographic allies. Their purpose, as trained meticulously by the Saudis. Qataris, Kuwaitis and so on was to create a global Caliphate and enforce Sharia on the World. Al Qaeda became defunct before Osama Bin Laden bit the bullet. But the ideology of Islam lives on and the methodology initiated by Al Qaeda is constantly growing and evolving to match the ambitions of the ideology which is to establish the Islamic Empire on the rubble of all civilization. The Taliban who are still being produced in copious quantities in Mosques and Madrassas around the World have formed into regiments like Jaish E Mohammed, Boko Haram, Al Shebab, ISIS (by whatever name) and so on.Their top commander is "Allah" and their ideology and ambitions have been laid out for them in the Quran and the Hadith by their "Prophet". The rest is smoke and mirrors of political convenience. The Commander in Chief and all his cohorts and cronies are not ignorant of this. While various US Presidents have bombed Belgrade, marched into Iraq and so on to put Petro Dollars into the pockets of themselves and their connections and deepen and widen the foot print of Islam, Obama is a Moslem.

The US needs a law to protect the US (and the World) from the White Hice and their pay masters.

S.Suchindranath Aiyer

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