Sunday, March 22, 2015

Anti-Gunners Are Going To Try To Ban Bullets Again!

The federal bureaucracy, in the form of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, recently announced a ban on ammunition used in AR-15 rifles, which are among the most common firearms in America, but then suddenly backed off.
So breathe a sigh of relief and move on?
Not if you like the Second Amendment, according to a National Rifle Association commentator.
Colion Noir, a practicing attorney who graduated from the University of Houston, has been described by the Los Angeles Times as someone who doesn’t fit the stereotype of NRA members: “Old, fat, white guys.”
“At 29, he’s not old. Nor is he fat – he’s slender and stylishly dressed with sneakers made by Prada. He’s also not white.”
And he’s not shy about the Second Amendment, posting a recent NRA commentary on the ATF plan to banish bullets for the AR-15 and then pull back.
“Make no mistake, that so-called ammo ban, proposed by the ATF that they’re now shelving is nothing more than a gun ban by another name. It’s semantic drug smuggling, if you ask me. Take a kilo of gun ban, wrap it in officer safety Saran wrap and smuggle it in the rental car of common-sense gun legislation — and bingo, you have backdoor gun control.”
And he warned the ammo-ban proposal will return.
“If you’re still floating on the whole Obama-doesn’t-want-to-ban-guns cloud of naivety, think about it like this. When you get locked out of your house, what’s the first thing you think to do – try the back door.
“It takes nothing more than a two-second Google search to hear quotes of President Obama wanting to ban all AR-15s. And because his administration couldn’t get that ban through the front door of Congress, they tried to get it through the back door with this ammo ban,” he said.
Simply ban the ammunition, he said, and the gun becomes “nothing more than a fancy club.”
“Don’t be lulled into complacency because they’ve gone back to the drawing board on this ridiculous ammo ban proposal. ‘Cause that’s all they’re doing, going back to the drawing board,” he said.
“I can’t begin to stress how dangerous of a precedent this ammo ban would set if it happens. At that point, all ammo is fair game – just come up with some impotent commonsense reason, some crafty language and boom, you’re left holding your gun making pew-pew noises to defend yourself with because you thought the ammo ban was no longer something to worry about … and now you don’t have any ammo.”
He said the ultimate Obama goal is to ban “every gun in America.”
See Noir’s comments:
The Times reported Noir became “an Internet sensation” with a number of gun videos and was a star at an NRA convention in Los Angeles.
And his forecast that the issue would return was fulfilled almost as soon as the words were out of his mouth.
From Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., and others was the “Armor Piercing Bullets Act.”
“There is absolutely no compelling argument to be made for anyone else [other than police] to have access to them,” Engel said.


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