Monday, March 30, 2015

Bergdahl's Defenders Start The "Excuses" For Deserting. We DO NOT Believe He Will Be Punished, Rather, He Will Be Given An Honorable Discharge. Please Pray We Are Wrong.

PATHETIC: Obama’s Pentagon Gives SICK Excuse for Why Bergdahl Deserted

It seems like the Obama administration is intent on finding all kinds of excuses as to why Bowe Bergdahl abandoned his post in 2009.
The latest claim to surface about what actually happened that night involves Bergdahl’s concern for wrongdoing at his unit.
Sources close to the case say Bergdahl planned to report “order and discipline” problems with his unit to the nearest general officer. Additionally, reports state Bergdahl had “concerns about leadership issues at his base.”
Bergdahl’s lawyer, Eugene Fidell, told sources he left his unit in an attempt to find the nearest military outpost to report wrongdoing.
Fidell said that an unreleased Army investigation report “also concludes that his specific intent was to bring what he thought were disturbing circumstances to the attention of the nearest general officer.”

He said Bergdahl did not feel safe discussing the matter with his own commanders. Fidell also claimed Bergdahl was absent without official leave and the conditions inside his unit were more dangerous than those outside of it (H/T CNN).
Fidell said the Army’s report “basically concludes that Sgt. Bergdahl did not intend to remain away from the Army permanently.”
Sadly, some Pentagon sources mindlessly repeated these claims, saying this excuse was the clearest indication of any motive for Bergdahl abandoning his post. They claim Bergdahl was a “kid who had leadership concerns on his mind” and he “wasn’t planning to desert.”
We would expect his lawyer to try and find every angle to make this guy look like a troubled kid who was only trying to do the right thing, even if it makes sense only in his mind.
This is no argument because, at the end of the day, Bergdahl did desert his platoon and is responsible for the deaths of those who died searching for him.
We can only hope that if Bergdahl is convicted, he spends a long time behind bars– a position from which he cannot desert.

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