Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Democrats Have Been The Party Of Treason For Years Says Friend Of Lincoln!

This 124-Year-Old Tombstone Has a “Grave” Warning About Democrats

We who live in the present age ought to take close heed of the messages passed to us by our forefathers and ancestors, including long-deceased friend of President Abraham Lincoln, Mr. Nathaniel Grigsby.
This legendary man, born on October 11, 1811, died 124 years ago, but not without first sharing a paramount message about the Democratic party that still reigns true today.
“Through this inscription, I wish to enter my dying protest against what is called the Democratic party,” reads the grave warning.
“I have watched it closely since the days of Jackson and know that all the misfortunes of our nation has come to it through this so called party. Therefore, beware of this party of treason.”
This message comes to us via Grigsby’s tombstone, which he requested be etched with it upon his departure from this planet.
But the question still remains — who is this man, and what role did he play in our history?
We know that Grigsby was a close associate of President Lincoln, who in 1860 appointed him as Republican Precinct Committee Man for Norborne, Missouri. After Grigsby received this appointment, he defied all of his neighbors, who were Southern sympathizers, by putting Lincoln’s name on the 1860 ballot.
This enraged his neighbors so much that they began plotting to murder him. When Grigbsy discovered the plan, he fled to Indiana and enlisted in Lincoln’s Army alongside four of his five sons. He went on to rise to 2nd Lieutenant and fight in the Civil War. (H/T Mad World News)
Nathaniel Grigbsy was without doubt a patriotic American — one who spoke truthfully about the threat the Democratic party poses to us all.
Just look around you, folks. Democrats continuously scheme to undermine the Constitution, rob of us of our rights and “fundamentally transform America.”
It is clear as day that Grigsby spoke the truth, and nothing but the truth, about the Democratic party, aka the “party of treason!”

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