Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Even In Liberal California, Gun Sales Drive Down Crime. The Gun Haters Dogma, Fails Again

Here’s What Really Happened in California When Gun Sales DOUBLED

As we all know, it’s part of liberal dogma that gun ownership causes crime. It’s right up there with the idea that taxes create jobs, the theory that government can solve everything and that William Jefferson Clinton didn’t really have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.
And, like most liberal dogma, it simply isn’t true.
Take California. You would figure that if any state would follow liberal logic, it’s one that has had the inexplicable sense to elect Jerry Brown to four terms as governor.
But as it turns out, people in California love their Second Amendment rights. The Golden State sold over 510,000 handguns in 2014, breaking the record set in 1993 and nearly doubling the amount sold in 2010.
In fact, handgun sales in California have been going upwards steadily since the mid-2000s.

Needless to say, those gun sales have caused pandemonium on the streets of Cali, where you can go nary a block without having to step over a dead body shot by another civil libertarian claiming that he had every right to defend himself.
… oh, wait. You mean to tell me that homicides in California dropped to a 20-year low in 2014?
Yes, apparently legal handgun sales are negatively correlated with murder. Who would have thought, except for everybody who doesn’t vote Democrat? (H/T IJReview)
It’s often difficult to remember, in a world where we’re subjected to Diane Feinstein plaintively crowing, “Enough! Enough! Enough!” about gun rights on the Senate floor like she’s trying out for the worst Lifetime movie ever, that liberal logic only works in theory, not in practice.
The liberal attack on the Second Amendment — which logically boils down to “Guns cause crime, duh~uh” — fails to realize the effectiveness of self-defense as a deterrent.
It also fails to take into account the fact that legal gun ownership is almost always positively correlated with a lower crime rate.
But what do you expect for liberals? After all, these are people who voted for a guy who was hawking Depression-era New Deal policies and calling it “hope and change.”
If you can buy that, you can buy anything — especially the idea that gun prohibition saves lives.

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