Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Freedom Of Religion Is Under Attack, However It Is Being Painted As Being Against Gays.

The media is hyperventilating over the Religious Freedom Law as passed by Indiana. It is being portrayed as a bill against gays and LGBT folks. It will not deny housing to gays. It will not stop people from being served in a restaurant. It only says that someone should not be forced to take an action if it is against their religious beliefs.

However, a proprietor of a store, like a cake decorating store who abhors gay marriage, should not be forced to decorate a cake for a such an event even if they have sold them other goods in the past. Nor should a company such as Hobby Lobby be forced to provide abortion and contraceptive coverage to their employees even though it is against their religion.

There are many potential outcomes which could pose some interesting conundrums. Here are a couple:
   What happens when a Muslim or Jewish caterer is asked to prepare meals containing pork.
   What would be the outcome of a Church, Temple, Synagogue, or Mosque who rents rooms to other organizations and refuses to rent to a group which is against their teachings? Would it be illegal for a Mosque not to rent to a pro-Israel group or a Catholic church to rent to an pro-abortion group?
   Would it be illegal for a Jewish funeral home to refuse non-Jewish funerals or a Catholic funeral home to a Muslim?
    Should  clergy be required to conduct religious practices of other religions?

The slippery slope of the current furor is dangerous in many ways. However, most proponents do not care, they don't care about anything  but winning their current argument.

If individuals of conscience cannot make decisions based on their religion, what is the value of the freedom of religion?  

Conservative Tom

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