Monday, March 9, 2015

Gun Free Zones Are Actually Free Target Zones. When No One Has Guns, The Bad Guys Will Always Have Them!

From Right To Bear Blog:

In this Southern State, Students Might Be Able Pack Something with a Bit More “Power” in Their Bags

244022_sLiberals are going to have a heart attack if this law goes through.
The sunshine state, good ole’ Florida, is thinking about relaxing gun laws just a little bit more than they already are (Florida has some of the least strict gun laws in the nation).
IJ review writes:
If some in the Florida legislature get their way, students might be carrying more than just books in their backpacks.
Since the tragic shooting in Newtown, CT, there have been at least 107 school shootings in America. Florida is no stranger to this.
In 2013, James Oliver Seevakumaran of the University of Central Florida (UCF) pulled down the fire alarm of his on-campus apartment with the intent of shooting the nearly 500 students who rushed out of the building for safety.
One year later, hundreds of Florida State University (FSU) students huddled tightly together in the aisles of their campus library, after an alumnus opened fire. Three were injured– all students.
The Florida legislature is taking up the issue of guns on campus this year, but not in the direction some would think. Florida’s concealed-carry gun permit laws currently restrict the right to carry guns on college campuses. HB 4005 and SB 176 would eliminate this exemption, allowing firearms to be present on the state’s 12 university campuses.
Those who support campus carry argue that it supports students safety. Guns on campus means students are better equipped to protect themselves. Marion Hammer, National Rifle Association lobbyist put it this way:
“The plain truth is that campuses are not safe. They are gun-free zones where murderers, rapists, terrorists, crazies may commit crime without fear of being harmed by their victims.”
Educational officials in Florida, though, don’t necessarily agree. The Board of Governors of the State University System, university police chiefs, and presidents of the individual universities have all joined in opposition to these bills.
With the problems of violencealcoholism, and high suicide rates on college campuses, they argue, is now really the time to let more guns loose on campus?
Marjorie Sanfilippo, a professor of psychology at Eckerd College, opposes the bill, calling it dangerous:
“It is mere speculation and ignorance of statistical probability to assert that armed students are the reason why shootings don’t happen on campuses. Proponents will tell you that allowing conceal carry will protect female students from sexual assault. I will point out the obvious; you’ll be arming the assailants, too.”
If you’ll read over the last paragraph you’ll notice the little bit Marjorie Sanfillipino says about arming assailants too.
Well, maybe Marjorie didn’t pay attention very well while obtaining her psychology degree, but criminals are labeled criminals because they don’t feel the law applies to them in the slightest.
The only way people can protect themselves from those who are willing to break the law is to get the laws shaped in such a way they can defend themselves.
You’ll likely recall how most of the mass shootings that have taken place in the past 15 years have all been in “gun-free zones.”
And while liberals constantly complain conservatives are “dumb” and ignore the truth, how is it they can’t seem to get their heads around the reasonable right to protect yourself with a weapon no matter where you are?
What do you think of this story? Let us know in the comments below.

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