Wednesday, March 25, 2015

House Members Now Write To The President. Will He Go After Them Also?

BREAKING: Open Rebellion Against Obama Launched With 367 House Members in Defiance

President Barack Obama’s ill-conceived negotiations with Iran over their nuclear weapons program have angered a great many in Washington and abroad, not the least of these, members of Congress.
Now, the House of Representatives is striking back with a harshly-worded letter to the president that could serve as an opening salvo in another painful conflict between the legislative and executive branches.
The letter, which was signed by 367 House members, seeks to address “grave and urgent” issues with the P5+1 negotiations with Iran.
The March 20 letter was written by Reps. Ed Royce and Eliot Engel. Royce, a California Republican, chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Engel, a New York Democrat, is the ranking opposition member on the committee.
Rep. Royce released a statement questioning whether the negotiations were “paving or blocking” Iran’s road to a nuclear weapon.

“The United States has had a longstanding interest in preventing Iran from achieving a nuclear weapons capability,” Royce and Engel’s letter read. “Over the last twenty years, Congress has passed numerous pieces of legislation imposing sanctions on Iran to prevent that outcome, ultimately forcing Iran into negotiations.
“Should an agreement with Iran be reached, permanent sanctions relief from congressionally-mandated sanctions would require new legislation,” they added.
While this president seems to believe he can unilaterally end sanctions against Iran, this president also seems to believe he can unilaterally do anything. However, Reps. Royce and Engel made sure Obama knew that wasn’t the case.
“In reviewing such an agreement, Congress must be convinced that its terms foreclose any pathway to a bomb, and only then will Congress be able to consider permanent sanctions relief,” the letter read, according to The Washington Times.
“Resolving the nuclear crisis with Iran remains of grave importance to our nation’s security,” the two wrote. “As the Administration continues to negotiate with Iran, we are prepared to evaluate any agreement to determine its long-term impact on the United States and our allies.
“We remain hopeful that a diplomatic solution preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon may yet be reached, and we want to work with you to assure such a result,” the letter concluded.
Finally, Congress is doing its job by reminding the president of his duties and the separation of powers. We support Reps. Royce and Engel, as well as the 365 other representatives from both parties who signed this letter.
It’s time to start defying this president and his dangerous appeasement policy on Iran.
Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter if you support Reps. Royce and Engel in opposing Obama’s disregard for American law.

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