Friday, March 13, 2015

If Allegations Are True, Grover Norquist Should Be Outed As An Israel Hating, Democratic Operative Whose Love Of The Muslim Brotherhood Is Repugnant.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
American Conservative Union member Grover Norquist has attracted much criticism and opposition over the years because of his links to Muslim activists – the Center for Security Policy says he pals around with “the Muslim Brotherhood,” for example.
CSP President Frank Gaffney even has created a file about Norquist, called “Agent of Influence – Grover Norquist and the Assault on the Right.”
But the dispute suddenly was elevated to a whole new level this week when highly popular talk-show host Glenn Beck suddenly told the National Rifle Association, for whom Norquist has served on the board and is up for re-election, it’s either him or Norquist.
Probably not both.
Gaffney was discussing influences on conservative groups and organizations, and he broached the subject of Norquist.
“Tell us how he is an agent of influence and what you’re concerned about with the NRA,” Beck said.
He continued, without giving Gaffney an opportunity to answer immediately.
“I will tell you I am so concerned about this, Frank, and I am not an expert on Grover Norquist by any stretch of the imagination. But I’ve heard enough that makes me concerned enough, and I hope the leadership of the NRA hears this and every member of the NRA hears this: If this man is re-elected and confirmed on the board, I may drop my membership in the NRA.
“I am that concerned that he is a very bad influence … If this is who the NRA decides to put on their board of directors, I don’t think I can be associated with them.”
Gaffney noted that he was concerned that “influence operations on behalf of enemies of this country are continuing.”
See Beck’s comments:
WND’s multiple requests via telephone and email to the NRA for comment did not generate a response.
Beck either was echoing, or was echoed by, a blog post at Creeping Sharia, which said, “While one director may not be able to influence the direction of the NRA, be sure Norquist will try and he’ll bring more Muslims with him. What he will undoubtedly do is act as an informant, a mole, deep inside the NRA, sharing the NRA’s intents and strategies with terror-linked Muslim groups within the U.S. and abroad.”
The blog continued, “Members should vow to cancel their membership and stop funding the organization if this Muslim infiltrator remains on the board.”
On the floor of the U.S. House, Rep. Frank Wolf several years ago cited Norquist’s connections with “terror.”
“Around the years 2000 and 2001, Mr.Norquist’s firm represented Abdurahman Alamoudi, who was convicted two years later for his role in a terrorist plot and who is presently serving a 23-year sentence in federal prison,” Wolf said.
He quoted the U.S. Justice Department explaining that Alamoudi took part in “recruiting participants” for a plot to assassinate Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah.
In connection with Alamoudi, Wolf said, Norquist’s “Islamic Free Market Institute” sponsored a “Rally Against Israeli Aggression,” where “Alamoudi roared from the stage: ‘I have been labeled by the media in New York to be a supporter of Hamas. Anybody support Hamas here?’”
And the crowd cheered “Yes!”
The U.S. has listed Hamas as an organization supporting terror.
The CSP reported Norquist has links “with a bevy of individuals with strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.”
And conservative columnist Michelle Malkin wrote, “If any Democrat activist had such shady connections, conservatives would be on him like white on rice. Instead, Norquist has gotten away with smearing his critics – most notably, former Reagan official Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy, one of the most decent and patriotic Republicans I’ve had the honor of meeting – as hatemongers. … The conservative movement cannot afford to be associated with race-card-playing apologists who refuse to cut their ties to terrorist sympathizers.”
WND Editor Joseph Farah wrote in a commentary several years ago, “There’s a growing awareness among real conservatives who would like to see Norquist toppled from his position of power in Washington just as much as those on the left. Count me among those in that group.”
He continued, “Grover Norquist is not a conservative true believer. He may have been at one time. But he is no longer – that’s for certain. Maybe, like other politicians, he’s just been around Washington too long.”
  • His ties to known terrorist financiers Abdurahman Alamoudi and Sami Al-Arian;
  • His support for the Ground Zero mosque;
  • His advocacy for transferring Guantanamo detainees to U.S. soil;
  • His lobbying on behalf of Fannie Mae;
  • His representation of the Internet gambling industry;
“Simply put,” said Wolf in a sharp attack recorded on C-SPAN, “I believe Mr. Norquist is connected with or has profited from a number of unsavory people and groups out of the mainstream.”
At the time, Norquist responded that Wolf’s allegations are “beneath him.”


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