Wednesday, March 11, 2015

If Obama Is Allowed To Remain President, By Whatever Rationale He Might Use, It Will Be The End Of This Country.

URGENT: Terrifying New Evidence Shows Obama’s THIRD Term Could Be in Our Future

It’s difficult to imagine a nightmare worse than one involving President Barack Obama securing a third term as this nation’s leader. Unfortunately, that idea is growing legs thanks to a few key factors happening right now in Washington politics.
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh fielded a question from a listener asking if it was conceivable that Obama could serve a third term. Limbaugh quickly reminded his listening audience that Obama isn’t exactly known for following constitutional law.
For instance, with the outbreak of scandals surrounding Hillary Clinton, the Democrats’ primary and so far only real contender for the White House in 2016, her hopes are fading fast.
She’s quickly becoming too “dirty” for donors to get behind, and we likely haven’t seen the end of it.
Couple that with the fact that the field on the GOP side is as strong as it’s been in a long time. With no one to run against them, it’s conceivable that Obama might do whatever it takes to make sure a Republican doesn’t take the presidency — including waving his magic pen around if necessary.

Both Obama and his Vice President, Joe Biden, have hinted about FDR’s administration on several occasions during speeches, dropping extremely subtle suggestinos that it might take a third term for Obama to straighten out the country.
After Roosevelt’s multiple terms as president, Congress passed the 22nd Amendment that limits a president to be “elected” to two terms — but the loophole, some say, is the word “elected” (H/T Mad World).
Obama couldn’t care less about any other amendment, so why would we expect him to make an exception for the 22nd?
With RINO’s like House Speaker John Boehner willing to answer Obama’s beck and call, it wouldn’t come as a surprise if there was no official challenge from GOP leadership were he to try to get around the 22nd Amendment just as he’s tried to get around Congress and the U.S. Constitution.
Sure, it would probably take a “perfect storm” for Obama to serve a third term, but the possibility is real and it’s closer than ever.

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