Saturday, March 21, 2015

Islam Behavior Has Not Changed For Centuries Even Churchill!

Here’s How Winston Churchill Dealt With Islam… Compare This to Obama

With a rapid rise in militant radical Islamic extremism around the globe, particularly in the Middle East, the world seems poised on the edge of another world war.
As such, there is a desperate search for a modern-day Winston Churchill, a leader who will step up and provide a strong example for the civilized world to rally around in this coming fight.
While Churchill is well-known for standing tough in the face of fascist Nazi aggression, less well-known is the fact that he also confronted radical Islam at an earlier point in his life.
In 1897, while still in his mid-20’s, Churchill traveled to the northwest frontier of the British territory of India, attaching as a journalist to the Malakand Field Force, which was tasked with guarding important roads during a massive uprising of the Muslim population.
Churchill’s writings and observations about the vicious brutality of the enemy he faced, along with hisdescription of the half-hearted efforts the British were using to fight them, are strikingly similar to today’s situation regarding President Barack Obama and the Islamic State group.
According to FrontPage Mag, Churchill wrote at length about the radical Islamists his unit encountered, especially one of the more charismatic leaders, whom he nicknamed the “Mad Mullah.”
This man was described as a “wild enthusiast, convinced alike of his Divine mission and miraculous powers (who) preached a crusade, or jihad, against the infidel.”
He wrote that the Muslim uprising had been sparked by the Mullah’s recognition that “(c)ontact with civilisation assails the superstition, and credulity, on which the wealth and influence of the Mullah depend.”
He further explained how the Mullahs were able to rally large numbers of Muslim fighters by promising them eternal paradise if they were killed and the spoils of war if they survived, the exact same reasoning we often see among jihadists today.
In describing the actual fighting between the British and Indian troops versus the radical Muslim jihadists, Churchill said that “no quarter is ever asked or given.”
He further noted that the Muslims tortured the wounded and mutilated the dead and that field hospitals and convoys filled with the sick and wounded were often specifically targeted by the jihadists.
Noting that the various Islamic tribes had combined together and were finding some success in their attacks, he decried the timid half-measures being pursued by the British.
“Civilization is face to face,” he wrote, “with militant Mohammedanism. When we reflect on the moral and material forces arrayed, there need be no fear of the ultimate issue, but the longer the policy of half-measures is adhered to the more distant the end of the struggle will be.”
In what could easily be a description of Obama’s response to the threats posed by radical Islam, Churchill wrote of the British as an “interference more galling than complete control, a timidity more rash then recklessness, a clemency more cruel than the utmost severity.”
In conclusion, Churchill said, “To terminate this sorry state of affairs, it is necessary to carry a recognized and admitted policy to its logical and inevitable conclusion.”
That can only mean total war waged against radical Islam until victory is achieved, which will only come about after the complete destruction of the threat facing Western civilization.
Whether Obama knows about the history and writings of Winston Churchill is unknown, but he should be made aware, as he is seemingly reliving the exact situation that Churchill issued such dire warnings about over 100 years ago.
A half-hearted “phony war” against the Islamic State group and one-sided negotiations with Iran will do nothing to make the world safer. They will actually produce the opposite effect, as these dual threats grow to become far more dangerous, and more difficult to destroy, the longer they are allowed to thrive.

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