Friday, March 13, 2015

Kerry Is A FOOL! His Anti-Vietnam War Escapades Combined With His Anti-Israel Rantings Make Him A Perfect Stooge For Obama!

John Kerry Loses It Over GOP Senators’ Letter to Iran… But Look What He Did During the Vietnam War

When news of the letter that Sen. Tom Cotton and 46 other Republicans sent to Iran hit the press, Secretary of State John Kerry lost his very tenuous uplink to reality and began spouting venom at the opposing party.
“This letter ignores more than two centuries of precedent in the conduct of U.S. foreign policy,” Secretary of State Kerry said, conveniently ignoring the two centuries of constitutional precedent on treaties that the president was ignoring.
According to Politico, Secretary of State Kerry said that during 29 years in the Senate, he had “never heard of or even heard of being proposed anything comparable to this.”
Perhaps while he was in the Senate, no. However, as a young man who was the president of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Kerry had done almost the exact same thing.
Let’s flash back to 1971, when Kerry was at the helm of the influential anti-war group. President Nixon and Secretary of State Kissinger were trying to negotiate an end to the Vietnam War in France, talks which would eventually produce the 1973 Paris Peace Accords.

During that time, Kerry travelled to Paris to meet with the North Vietnamese delegation, at that time an enemy combatant nation. He met with Madame Nguyen Thi Binh, one of Ho Chi Minh’s top negotiators, in sessions that were possibly illegal and not fully disclosed until Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign.
According to WND, Binh had worked out a scheme where she would undermine the negotiations by painting the United States as being unreasonable. Kerry was deemed the appropriate vessel to carry this message back to the United States, and after their talks in Paris, he did just that.
Kerry threw the weight of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War behind trying to convince America that President Nixon should accept all of North Vietnam’s demands. Keep in mind that the North Vietnamese plan ordered America to withdraw and to pay the North Vietnamese government reparations.
This was all merely so that North Vietnam would, at some point in the future, maybe release our prisoners of war, or at least set a date in which they said they would do so.
Now, it’s possible in hindsight to have differing opinions about the rectitude and wisdom of the Vietnam War.
It isn’t possible, however, to have differing opinions about what John Kerry did. He undermined the position of the American government at the behest of one of its enemies.
And even if the wisdom of the war can be questioned, nobody could claim that the brutal communist regime of North Vietnam had any moral claim great enough for John Kerry to intervene on their behalf.
For John Kerry to whine about the intervention of 47 senators in his questionable negotiations with a pariah state that wants a nuclear weapon is the ultimate hypocrisy, especially when this is a man who spent years undermining the American government during wartime.
It’s that kind of hypocrisy that makes John Kerry the perfect Obama administration official. It’s also the kind of hypocrisy that makes America glad they didn’t vote for this man in 2004.

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