Tuesday, March 10, 2015

More Israel Hate, Now From Feinstein.

URGENT: Dianne Feinstein Issues Treasonous Comment About Bibi Netanyahu [VIDEO]

Making the rounds on the Sunday talk show circuit, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Cali., took full advantage of her airtime to publicly trash America’s greatest ally in the Middle East along with its leader.
Feinstein had already gone on record calling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “arrogant” during the “State of the Union” show last Sunday.
On “Meet the Press,” Feinstein even went so far as to question whether Netanyahu was truly an ally of the United States.

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“What Prime Minister Netanyahu did here was something that no ally of the United States would have done,” Feinstein said. “I find it humiliating, embarrassing and very arrogant because this agreement is not yet finished.”

“To trash it before you have the final period on it, before you know what it is, I think is a huge error in judgment for our number one ally in that area,” she added (H/T Truth Revolt).
Apparently, Democrats favor passing bills before reading them, but not trashing agreements in the same way.
Quite frankly, Sen. Feinstein, the only error in judgement here is your blind following of President Barack Obama’s Middle East policy that is endangering the entire Western and Middle Eastern population.
But Feinstein, the woman who deliberately put our very own intelligence officers’ lives at stake by releasing the now infamous “torture report” that held no one accountable for anything just as the radical militants of the Islamic State were on the rise, is no stranger to throwing America or her allies under the bus.
She appears to enjoy it.
If the need to rein in Iran’s nuclear ambitions weren’t such a critical life or death situation, her comments would be comical.
For Feinstein and Obama to think they know what’s better for Israel than its prime minister, a man with a hundred times the leadership ability and experience of either of them — that’s the real embarrassment to the United States.
Share this on Facebook and Twitter if you agree that Israel has every right to defend itself as it sees necessary and that Sen. Feinstein should find a better use for her time.

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