Monday, March 23, 2015

Muslims Use The "Racism Claim" Against "American Sniper. This Is A Great Example Of How Muslims Inflict Their Attitudes On The Public Until They Reach 10-15%. At Which Point They No Longer Demand, They Start Taking Action.

Muslim Student Attacks Clint Eastwood, Issues Sickening Demand

Most Americans recognize Clint Eastwood as the legendary actor and filmmaker who produced such amazing movies like “Dirty Harry,” “Gran Torino” and “Mystic River,” to name just a few.
But not Farah El-Jayyousi, a Muslim activist from the University of Missouri who accused Clint of “dehumanizing Muslims and glorifying the murder of Iraqis.”
She made these allegations after MU announced its decision to show a campus screening of Clint’s latest masterpiece, “American Sniper.”
“This film is blatant racist, colonialist propaganda that should not be shown under any circumstances and especially not endorsed by a branch of student government that purports to represent me and have my best interests in mind,” the petulant adolescent whined in a letter to the editor at The Maneater, a editorially independent student news publication.
El-Jayyousi also referred to the film’s protagonist, real-life hero Chris Kyle, as “a killer with no regard for human life.” She not surprisingly made no mention of Kyle’s killer, Eddie Ray Routh.
Last but not least, she demanded that MU issue an apology for making the decision to show Clint’s highly popular film, saying that the film would make her feel “unsafe.” (H/T Fox News)
The university has neither apologized nor cancelled the screening, though it has announced plans to host an event designed to “cultivate an inclusive campus environment.”
Maybe, just maybe, students at this event could talk about how making disparaging remarks based on falsehoods does nothing whatsoever to bring people together …

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