Thursday, March 5, 2015

Pilosi Should Be Removed From Office For Her Purposeful Snub Of Netanyahu When He Says That Israel, If It Must, Will Stand Alone! What A Sleezy Person The Former Speaker Is!

VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi Turned Her BACK on Benjamin Netanyahu’s Speech

Almost everyone present during Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to a special joint session of Congress on Tuesday gave a standing ovation when the Israeli prime minister said, “Even if Israel has to stand alone, Israel will stand.”
But not the former speaker of the House and current minority leader, Nancy Pelosi. She, instead, indulged herself in yet another of those acts of not-so-subtle craziness that have caused some to wonder whether she suffers from an actual mental disorder.
While those around her applauded, the California Democrat turned around and appeared to try to engage those sitting behind her in conversation — probably about her friends in the humanitarian organization, Hamas.

Later, while others in the Democrat Party, including President Barack Obama, decried the political theater that they claimed Netanyahu’s speech to be, Pelosi engaged in some political theater of her own.
“I was near tears throughout the prime minister’s speech — saddened by the insult to the intelligence of the United States as part of the P5 +1 nations, and saddened by the condescension toward our knowledge of the threat posed by Iran and our broader commitment to preventing nuclear proliferation,” she said in a statement (H/T PJ Media).
Yes, she actually named America as one of the P5+1 nations while accusing someone else of condescension. Like Doc Holiday before her, her hypocrisy apparently knows no bounds.
Of course, she also claimed to have been near tears throughout the speech — liberals are so easily offended when they’re not in the middle of calling for tolerance.
Her response to the speech of the prime minister of one of America’s staunchest allies was a disgrace to her seat and her country.
I wish she’d just gone ahead and boycotted the thing.
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