Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Police Chief Lied On Blog Under Direction Of Obama Administration To Catch Conservatives, Patriots And Those Who Oppose The President. He's Proud Of What He Did!

VIDEO: Former Police Chief Comes Forward With What Obama Had Him Do… Wow.

In a shocking revelation, a former police chief came forward with a claim that he spewed fake right-wing hate on YouTube in order to discredit and infiltrate patriot movements on behalf of the federal government.
Mark Kessler, a former police chief in Pennsylvania, claimed the videos — done at the behest of various federal agencies — were part of an attempt to weaken Second Amendment supporters and similar groups.
Kessler made the allegations on Fox News Radio. While he said he couldn’t name the federal agencies with which he worked, he made it clear that he was specifically directed to do the videos by Washington.
“I signed up with those agencies, several different agencies, and began an operation where I was just a magnet,” Kessler told host Alan Colmes. “I was sent out there to attract the worst of the worst and, frankly, it worked.”
“When I say groups, I’m talking about Second Amendment groups, alleged patriot groups, militia groups,” he clarified.

Kessler had become infamous on YouTube for his over-the-top videos in which he would insult liberals and fire his gun roughly as indiscriminately as Yosemite Sam.
However, the Gilberton, Pa., police chief says that the ridiculous displays weren’t his actual beliefs, but instead bait to lure violent conservatives in.
Even though Kessler was fired by the town of Gilberton after one of these profanity-laced tirades back in 2013, he stated that his rants were “highly successful” at what he was trying to do, which was to infiltrate and disgrace right-wing groups. (H/T Truth and Action)
Whether or not Kessler is telling the truth is certainly a matter of some debate. However, the sad thing is that one certainly wouldn’t put it past the Obama administration to sponsor fake videos featuring nutters like Kessler in order to change America’s perception of conservatives and the Second Amendment.
After all, this is an administration that’s put together more than a few figurative straw men to influence public opinion. What makes you think they wouldn’t try to create a literal one on YouTube?

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