Monday, March 2, 2015

Sarah Palin Nails The Dictator!

VIDEO: Sarah Palin HUMILIATES Obama With the Blunt Truth About Christianity and Islam

Sarah Palin is on a roll. The controversial former governor of Alaska may not be on the ballot in 2016, but she clearly is still able to rile up a crowd.
That’s exactly what Palin did at the Conservative Political Action Conference this week — and her strong criticism of President Barack Obama is now making headlines.
The one-time Republican vice presidential candidate mocked the president for his recent comments about Christianity and called on Obama to “wake up” and face the threat of radical Islamic terror.
“Stop blaming the victim and wake up, Mr. President,” Palin said. “While Christians bow our heads topray for you, radical Islamists want to cut off your head.”
Sarah Palin didn’t stop there, however. She drew a strong parallel between the Nazi fascists of the 20th century, and the Islamic groups that the world faces today (H/T Breitbart).
“We will never submit to evil,” she promised. “We will consign radical Islam to the ash heap of history.”
“They say you can’t kill our way out of war?” Palin asked, referencing a recent statement made by an Obama administration spokeswoman.
“Tell that to the Nazis,” Palin continued. “Oh wait, you can’t. They’re dead — we killed them.”
You can watch Palin’s entire speech here, courtesy of BizPac Review:

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Despite Obama’s strange references to the Crusades of a thousand years ago, Christians are clearly not the problem.
It is radical Muslims who are wreaking havoc all over the word, yet President Obama seems more interested in pointing fingers at everybody except those responsible.
Even when she’s not running for office, Sarah Palin is a force to be reckoned with. She may not be perfect, but at least she has the courage to use common sense and speak the truth.
Please share this article on Facebook if you agree with Sarah Palin’s comments at CPAC and demand real leadership in the White House!

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