Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Sullen, Childish Obama Refuses To Congratulate Netanyahu! Even A Half Competent Politician Knows The Right Thing To Do, What Does That Make Obama?

EU Congratulates Netanyahu, No Word from Obama

EU calls to re-launch peace process, as Obama remains silent and Kerry reportedly avoids questions on Knesset elections.
First Publish: 3/18/2015, 2:06 PM

Federica Mogherini
The EU congratulated Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on his election victory Wednesday, but added it was committed to relaunching the peace process which he appeared to repudiate during the campaign by promising not to establish a Palestinian state.
"The EU is committed to working with the incoming Israeli government on a mutually beneficial relationship as well as on the re-launch of the peace process," EU foreign affairs head Federica Mogherini said in a statement, reports AFP.
During the election campaign, Netanyahu said he would not accept the establishment of a Palestinian state in the Biblical heartland of Israel, a key part of the two-state solution backed by the EU and which he voiced support for in his controversial 2009 Bar Ilan speech.
"We are at a crucial moment, with many threats all over the Middle East," the EU statement said. "The EU staunchly supports a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in the interest of the Israeli people, of the Palestinian people and of the whole region."
Mogherini said the 28-nation European Union would stand by Israel at a time when "more than ever, bold leadership is required from all to reach a comprehensive, stable and viable settlement of a conflict that has already deprived too many generations of peace and security."
"It's time to turn this page and I'm confident that we can work together with the international community for a solution that will guarantee peace and security in the Middle East," she said.
In contrast to the EU's speedy congratulations, US President Barack Obama has yet to comment on Netanyahu's victory.
According to Reuters, US Secretary of State John Kerry reportedly refused to address the Likud victory when asked about the elections by reporters in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he is negotiating a deal on Iran's nuclear program.
Former Arkansas Governor and potential Republican candidate for President Mike Huckabee addressed the foreseeable Obama response to the elections, speaking to Fox News on Monday night.
According to Huckabee, if Labor were to have come out on top in the elections, one could expect the "popping of corks of champagne in the White House."
There have been palpable tensions between Netanyahu and Obama, which came to a head earlier this month when Netanyahu addressed Congress and warned against the nuclear deal being hammered out with Iran which he said will leave the Islamic regime with nuclear breakoutcapabilities.

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