Friday, March 20, 2015

What Does Obama Mean About "Reassessing" The Relations With Israel? Probably Worse Than You Could Imagine! Expect The UN To Be Involved!

Palestinian Arabs

In President Obama’s late congratulatory phone call Prime Minister Netanyahu, 
he cautioned that the US must now reconsider its approach to relations with 
Israel and the peace process.
Netanyahu US Congress.
Credit: Flash90
The Jerusalem Post reported that according to a White House official, President Obama told Netanyahu that the US “will need to reassess our options following the prime minister’s new positions and comments regarding the two-state solution.”
Media reports suggest that President Obama may support a Palestinian state in the UN, in retaliation for Netanyahu’s opposition to the establish of a Palestinian state at this time. Netanyahu later clarified, in an interview with NBC, that he still would support a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognized the Jewish state. However, current conditions make this impossible.
President Obama brought up the subject of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s 
comments about Israeli Arabs, suggesting that they contained racist 
According to the White House, Obama “emphasized the importance the 
United States places on our close military, intelligence and security cooperation

 with Israel, which reflects the deep and abiding partnership between both 
“The President and the Prime Minister agreed to continue consultations on 
a range of regional issues, including the difficult path forward to resolve the
 Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” the statement continued.
“The President reaffirmed the United States’ long-standing commitment to
 a two-state solution that results in a secure Israel alongside a sovereign and
 viable Palestine.”
U.S. President Barack Obama and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (not seen) during a joint press conference at the Muqata Presidential Compound in Ramallah. March 21, 2013. (Photo: Issam RImawi/FLASH90)
U.S. President Barack Obama and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (not seen) during a joint press conference at the Muqata Presidential Compound in Ramallah. March 21, 2013. (Photo: Issam RImawi/FLASH90)
“On Iran, the President reiterated that the United States is focused on reaching a comprehensive deal with Iran that prevents Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and verifiably assures the international community of the exclusively peaceful nature of its nuclear program.”
However, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest suggested on Thursday that moving forward with Netanyahu on the peace process will be difficult.
He condemned Netanyahu’s campaign statements regarding the two-state solution, describing them as “cynical, divisive election day tactics.”
“Words matter,” he said. “And that’s certainly true in this instance.” He 
added that the US “needs to rethink our approach” towards the two-state 
solution and relations with Israel.

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