Friday, March 13, 2015

Who Is Going To Stop The Dictator? When Will This Insanity Stop?

BREAKING: Texas Governor Drops Criminal Bombshell About Obama

Texas Governor Greg Abbott. Remember him? He was instrumental in prodding a federal judge to stop President Barack Obama from using an executive command to grant amnesty to illegal aliens.
But Abbott didn’t stop after that. As the chief executive of the state that has the longest border with Mexico, Abbott continues to pay close attention to the immigration crisis.
And now he believes Obama is in contempt of court.
As the governor initially tweeted earlier this month, the Obama administration deliberately misled the federal court and “issued thousands of amnesty documents illegally.”
As more specifically explained by Byron York of the Washington Examiner, the federal judge decreed that Obama’s executive actions could not go into effect immediately.

For example, illegals were to be protected from deportation over three years, rather than for two. But that was not to go into effect until Feb. 18, 2015. Additionally, a deferred action program for illegals with children who, by virtue of being born in the U.S., are lawful Americans was to start in late May 2015.
The Department of Justice lawyers led the judge to believe that no requests for deferred actions had been implemented, and they appeared to go along with the court-ordered effective dates.
However, Abbott, despite also managing the largest of America’s lower 48 states, has seen through the Obama administration’s sleight of hand.
He is now demanding that charges be filed against Obama for misleading the judge and implementing deferred actions before they became legally effective (H/T The Right Scoop).
“Contempt” is an accurate characterization of the Obama administration’s law-breaking actions.
If you want Obama to start abiding by the law, grassroots pressure is needed. Such pressure cannot occur, however, until voters become aware of the problem. Therefore, share this article on Facebook to help spread the word.

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