Tuesday, April 28, 2015

All The Past And Future Riots Are Run By "Professional Rioters." It's All Part Of The Plan To Bring Down Civil Society And To "Federalize The Police."

Smoking Gun? Social Media 

Account tracking suggests 

Baltimore, Ferguson targeted 

by protest pros

  • 04/28/2015 06:57 PM
  • Source: FOXNews.com
  • by: Catherine Herridge
An analysis of social media traffic in downtown 
Baltimore Monday has unearthed striking
 connections to the protests in Ferguson, Mo. 
last year, according to a leading data mining 
firm that shared its findings exclusively with Fox News.

The firm, which asked to remain anonymous 
because of its government work, found between
 20 and 50 social media accounts in Baltimore 
that were also tied to the peak period of violence 
in Ferguson. While further analysis is being conducted on the data, it suggests the presence 
of "professional protesters" or anarchists taking advantage of Freddie Gray's death to incite more 

Gray, 25, died April 18, a week after being injured while in police custody. A wave of violence 
erupted in Baltimore following his funeral Monday.

One account, which also tracked the recent union protests in New York City as well as other
 disturbances, tweeted photos of Gray's funeral and used language that seemed to anticipate 
violence in Baltimore. Source: FOXNews.com
- See more at: http://americanactionnews.com/articles/social-media-smoking-gun-account-tracking-suggests-baltimore-ferguson-targeted-by-protest-pros#sthash.QDTjqPML.dpu

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