Wednesday, April 1, 2015

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Apple’s Tim Cook Discriminates and Misses Worse Offenders

cook salman
Apple’s CEO Tim Cook has guns blazing toward Indiana for their passing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, (RFRA).
Cook penned an op-ed in the Washington Post titled, “Pro-discrimination ‘religious freedom’ laws are dangerous.”
Cook writes: “Regardless of what the law might allow in Indiana or Arkansas, we will never tolerate discrimination.”
He also writes, “that’s why, on behalf of Apple, I’m standing up to oppose this new wave of legislation” that he has interpreted encourages unbridled discrimination in Indiana and the other states that have passed similar versions of the law.
The focal point of concern (Cook’s and other’s whose hackles Indiana has raised) as to just who is the victim of the anticipated discrimination that results from the RFRA pertains to people based on their sexual orientation, i.e., lesbians and gays.
Cook doesn’t issue ultimatums or disclose exactly how he or Apple will express their ‘opposition’ to Indiana’s or the other state’s practices. One would presume they would do nothing that would jeopardize Apple revenues or shareholder value.
Cook also wrote in his op-ed, “Opposing discrimination takes courage.”
Then why not write a similar op-ed to King Salman in the English language newspaper, Ar Riyadh, in Saudi Arabia where gays may be publicly executed by being severed from their head?
If Indiana deserves the chastisement, certainly Saudi Arabia does. Why discriminate and not strike out at a perpetrator of even worse offenses?
Wouldn’t want to jeopardize corporate revenues or shareholder value, though.

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