Thursday, April 2, 2015

Department Of "Injustice" Protects Lois Lerner

BREAKING: Holder’s DOJ Makes Massive Announcement About Lois Lerner

Virtually everyone who paid even the slightest bit of attention to the news last year heard about the massive scandal at the IRS, in which they targeted conservative groups for extra scrutiny as part of their tax-exempt status applications.
At the heart of the targeting scandal was former IRS employee Lois Lerner, who headed up the tax-exempt status division, and who also suspiciously “lost” all of her emails from the period in question, then refused toanswer questions when grilled by Congress.
Few can forget how Congress went round and round with both the IRS and the Obama administration to get to the bottom of the scandal, efforts which persist to this day, although the media has largely moved on.
Lois Lerner was twice called before Congress to testify, and although she gave an opening statement professing her innocence, she then clammed up and pleaded the Fifth Amendment, refusing to testify further as she would likely incriminate herself.
This refusal to cooperate earned her a charge of contempt of Congress last year, a charge which remained unaddressed by the Department of Justice, until today that is.
According to Politico, the DOJ has determined that Lerner in fact did not waive her Fifth Amendment rights, as Congress claimed, and have declined to further pursue the contempt charge brought up against her by Congress.
Sadly, this is not a shock or a surprise, as the contemptible Attorney General Eric Holder has gone out of his way to remain a thorn in the side of the Republican-controlled Congress, and block any and all efforts they make to uncover and expose any of President Obama’s numerous scandals, the IRS targeting being just one.
Hopefully, a Republican will become President in 2016, and the hard work can be started to clean up the mess made by the Obama administration.
The first order of business in the next Republican administration will be to start holding the many criminal actors of Obama’s team accountable, and they can start with Lois Lerner, who still isn’t entirely off the hook yet, though she may dodge the contempt charge.

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