Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Expect More Violence, More Destruction After Sharpton Addresses The Rioters In Baltimore

Fear Not: Al Sharpton is headed to


Don’t worry, Baltimore. The Reverend Al is on his way.

Al Sharpton said Monday that he is going to visit 
Baltimore this week against the backdrop of violent
 riots and looting in the aftermath of the funeral of the
 late Freddie Gray.

“I have been asked by many in the Baltimore 
area since day one to get involved in the justice
 for Freddie Gray movement,” Sharpton said in 
a statement. “I will come to Baltimore this week at the invitation or Rev. Westley West, who has
 led vigils daily there, along with local clergy, and morning radio show host Larry Young who has 
headed our Baltimore chapter of NAN for the last decade.”

Sharpton wants to organize a two-day march next month to protest the death of Gray, who 
passed away from injuries after being seized by Baltimore police.
- See more at: http://americanactionnews.com/articles/fear-not-al-sharpton-is-headed-to-baltimore#sthash.B1CNQ44E.dpuf

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