Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Feminists Need To Find A Real Enemy, Not An Imagined One! How About Shariah Law Or ISIS Or Islam Where Real Injustice Occurs!

{WATCH} Feminists Go Psycho in Men’s Restroom

“Big Red” and her merry band of post-menopausal, psycho feminists attack urinals in men’s restrooms in New York. Apparently, urinals are a symbol of their oppression.

psycho feminists from hellThis left even me speechlessfor a moment. They obviously did not think this through or consider the basic male genitalia. Bashing urinals to bits with sledgehammers  accomplished nothing. Other than prove that feminists are what every rational person thinks they are: hormonally imbalanced, sexually repressed, logic and reason deprived, penis-envying, Nazis. Men have the advantage of whipping that appendage out and urinating where ever they damn well please. This just released all men in New York City of any obligation of being polite or civilized, defeating any stated purpose. Whatever was allegedly supposed to be achieved by this infantile temper tantrum, failed. Stating the obvious, “Big Red” and her gang just made all feminists look brain-function challenged. They were completely conquered by the God-given male anatomy! Feminism has it’s place… in history. These ridiculous tirades only prove that the entire notion that women need to be freed of some imagined oppression is outdated. In fact, feminists have become nothing more than an embarrassment to all women. Particularly women who can think for themselves and are capable of coming to their own logic-based conclusions.
If these feminists really wanted to help women in America and aroun
feminists from hell nycd the world, they would be fighting Islam and true oppression of women. They would be making sure every city, town, and state did not implement any form of Sharia Law. That no Islamic tribunals are ever established anywhere on American soil. But that is the crux of the problem. These women are cowards fighting enemies of their own imagination. Pitching a temper tantrum takes no thought, no bravery, no dedication, no honor and accomplishes absolutely nothing. Real women fight real enemies with our own unique God-given abilities. Men are not the enemy. Islam is the biggest enemy of women.
This article is not satire, it is blunt truth and probably too honest for any feminists to finish reading, but if you enjoyed it, you can read more by this author HERE.


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