Wednesday, April 1, 2015

If The Words Spoken By The Blatherer In Chief Doesn't Scare Every Jew In The United States, They Are Asleep!

Jews in America had better awaken from their slumber, a change in your lives is 
coming and coming fast. Whether it will be an event similiar to The Alhambra Decree,
there is no way of knowing. However, it is coming and Jews had better prepare
for the worst.

We have always appreciated having Joe Biden in the second chair as we can count
on him not being able to control his tongue. Whatever is on his mind comes out, usually

The Vice President has said a made a couple "slips" that send chills down our collective
spines. One was in 2010 while on a visit to the Holy Land he warned  that not working for 
two state agreement, "would not be in Israel's best interests." Combine that with 
his statements last fall, which are reported in the following article--the only safe place
 for  Jews is Israel, not the US, it does not take a Rhodes Scholar (which we re far from being) to figure out where the Obama Administration is going.

Jews will be asked to leave this country. It will not be next week but it could be the 
following one!  

It is plainly obvious that Obama is very angry with Israel. The actions that he has taken 
since Netanyahu spoke to Congress have telegraphed, nay, they have spoken very clearly
that the relationship that has existed with Israel since 1948 is at an end. No longer 
does the US protect Israel from negative UN votes. No longer will Israel's "secret" nuclear
capability be kept secret. No longer will evil, homicidal nations such as Iran be
 prevented from obtaining nuclear weapons which will open the entire Middle East
to these weapons.  No longer will exports of military equipment will go through
 the Pentagon without a hitch, now it needs White House approval.

We expect that in the coming months, military support will be completely shut down, 
that the Obama Administration will allow Israel to be branded an apartheid nation
in the United Nations and that currency controls will be put in place to prevent
Americans from sending money to Israel.  On top of this, we expect foreign aid to 
Israel to be cut and aid (both military and financial) to Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas and
the Palestinian Authority will be increased dramatically. This is punishment, Obama 

If Jews protest, complain, write their representatives in Washington, it will only anger
Obama. It will be at this point that he pulls the "Alhambra Decree."  He will issue a 
Presidential edict that will effect every Jew in the US. What it will say is anyone's guess
however, given Biden's warning that Israel, not the US, is their only guarantee of safety, 
one can only assume there will be a call for making the US Juden Frei (Jew Free.)

Of course, there will be many  who will talk about the contributions Jews have made to
American society, the inventions, the medicines, the advances, one cannot forget that 
was the same in 1492 Spain, home of the Alhambra Decree and in 1939 Nazi Germany. 
In both situations, the leadership of those countries did not care. They wanted Jews out.

Will this happen in the US, is Conservative Tom a crazy loon? We hope so, but fear not.

What is your opinion?

Another story, same theme:

Conservative Tom

Vice President Biden. (Jason and Bonnie Grower/Shutterstock)

Atlantic columnist Jeffrey Goldberg. (Twitter)
Atlantic columnist Jeffrey Goldberg. (Twitter)
At a Rosh Hashana event last year, US Vice President Joe Biden appeared to insinuate that should the American Jewish community be in danger, it cannot fully rely on America for its safety.
A recent article by journalist Jeffrey Goldberg has been making waves. In his article in The Atlantic titled, “Is It Time for the Jews to Leave Europe?” Goldberg recounts how in September, during a Rosh Hashana event hosted at US Vice-President Joe Biden’s home, the American dignitary told political supporters, leaders of Jewish organizations, members of Congress and Jewish officials in the Obama administration that Israel – and not the US – was the only guarantee for their safety.
Biden talked about the Holocaust and about the many contributions that Jews
have made
 to American life, as well as discussing his first encounter with late Israeli Prime Minister 
Golda Meir.
“I had the great pleasure of knowing every prime minister since Golda Meir, when I was 
a young man in the Senate, and I’ll never forget talking to her in her office with
 her assistant—a guy named [late Prime Minister Yitzhak] Rabin—about the Six-Day War,” 
he said. “The end of the meeting, we get up and walk out, the doors are open, and…the 
press is taking photos…. She looked straight ahead and said, ‘Senator, don’t look so 
sad…. Don’t worry. We Jews have a secret weapon.’ ”
Biden said he asked Meir what the weapon was, noting, “I thought she was going to
 tell me something about a nuclear program.
“She looked straight ahead and she said, ‘We have no place else to go.’ ”
Biden paused while recounting this event, and repeated, “ ‘We have no place else to go.’ ”
“Folks,” Biden continued, “there is no place else to go, and you understand that in your
 bones. You understand in your bones that no matter how hospitable, no matter how
 consequential, no matter how engaged, no matter how deeply involved you are in the 
United States…there’s only one guarantee. There is really only one absolute guarantee,
and that’s the State of Israel. And so I just want to assure you, for all the talk, and I know
 sometimes my guy”—President Obama—“gets beat up a little bit, but I guarantee you: 
he shares the exact same commitment to the security of Israel.”
Goldberg admits to having been “confused by Biden’s understanding of the relationship
 between America and its Jewish citizens.”
By: United with Israel Staff

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