Thursday, April 16, 2015

Muslim Brotherhood In Our Schools, Military. Part 3 Betrayal Papers

The Betrayal Papers Part III: The Extensive Muslim Brotherhood Network In America

From Common Core to Amnesty to purging the U.S. Military of Christians.

What do Common Core, “comprehensive” immigration reform, and IRS targeting of conservatives groups have in common? They are just a few of many examples of Muslim Brotherhood-connected policy initiatives affecting the lives of Americans every day. Under Obama, many new domestic policies, as well as many scandals, can be traced back to, in varying degrees, the Muslim Brotherhood.
To understand why America no longer feels like America – why it seems that the government has its favorites while others are targeted and even persecuted – it is important to understand two strong influences on the Muslim Brotherhood. The first is historical: the Nazi Party of Hitler’s Germany. The second is more contemporary: the strategy developed by Al Qaeda’s strategic mastermind, Abu Musab al-Suri.

Consider just one subject area mentioned in the full report–illegal immigration–which can be read here:Betrayal Papers Part 3.

Over the past several years, the U.S. military has been purged of hundreds of high-ranking officers. Many of these dedicated life-long military leaders were dismissed for trivial “offenses.” Simultaneously, Christianity, Christians, and the Bible are being purged from the U.S. military. Christian chaplains are being reprimanded for sharing their faith. Indeed, the Pentagon has gone so far as to state that sharing the Gospel could result in court martials for anyone in the military. The Family Research Council has listed recent actions taken against Christians in the military and released a video detailing the “Clear and Present Danger” Christians in the military face.
Anti-Police Protests: In conjunction with the militarization of DHS, the Obama Administration and Eric Holder’s “Justice” Department have targeted state and local law enforcement. Their anti-police agenda culminated last summer with orchestrated riots in Ferguson, Missouri, and violent protests in New York City. Among the most prominent groups involved in these protests was ANSWER, a pro-Palestinian group that had on its original steering committee the Muslim Students Association.
And—the NYC cop killer Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley had publicly stated on his Facebook page that he was a former Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) (Muslim Brotherhood) employee. At the time of the killing, ISNA’s president was Mohamed Magid, an advisor to Obama, DHS, and the National Security Council.
Read more about spying and wiretapping, George Soros, the militarization of Homeland Security, and the plan to destroy America’s economy.
Taken alone, none of these events would be of much concern in a country of more than 300 million people. Even the general feeling of depression and oppression by government could be overlooked as a result of global economic conditions, seen as “outside the control” of even the President of the United States.
But when seen together through the lens of the Muslim Brotherhood’s carefully constructed plan, it becomes quite clear that America is being destroyed from within. Attacks on cops, illegal immigration policies, IRS persecution of American citizens, the infiltration, and propaganda being taught to children through Common Core school curricula all originate from the genesis of the Muslim Brotherhood.
American citizens have an opportunity and dire responsibility to reverse this course by demanding the Constitution be enforced, that terrorists be deported, and that the protection of citizens comes first before any and all policies.

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