Sunday, April 26, 2015

Obama And Friends Trying, Through Immigration, To Turn US Into A Third World Country

Only eight short years from now, immigrants will make up a record-high 14.8 percent of the total U.S. population, and longtime conservative leader Phyllis Schlafly views the rising tide of newcomers as a purposeful attack on the country.
By the nation’s own president.
“It’s deliberate,” Schlafly told WND in an interview. “It’s not any accident. It’s because Obama and his friends are letting all these people in who don’t want to be Americans, who don’t want to speak English.”
The Census Bureau projected last month that the U.S. immigrant population, legal and illegal, will total a record 51 million in 2023. At that point, one in seven U.S. residents will be an immigrant. By 2060, nearly one in five U.S. residents will be an immigrant, and the total U.S. population will be 417 million – 108 million more than in 2010.
Conservative activist Richard Viguerie, author of “Takeover: The 100-Year War For The Soul of the GOP and How Conservatives Can Finally Win It,” noted that most of today’s immigrants come from nations more politically and culturally liberal than the United States. Therefore, he expects the growing immigrant population to make the entire country more liberal.
“It’s going to pull America to the left, for sure,” Viguerie told WND in an interview. “America will become closer to the European model of state control of our country.”
Of course, if America moves to the left, it will naturally gravitate toward the Democratic Party, the party of big government. Schlafly, author of “Who Killed the American Family?” worries about the future of the GOP.
“I think one of the reasons Obama and his friends are so eager to open the gates to more and more immigrants is they think it’s going to defeat the conservative movement and the Republican Party,” Schlafly said. “Of course, they all come from countries that are not used to the idea of limited government. They’re used to countries where the government makes all the decisions, and they don’t know anything different.
“They don’t understand what Americans mean when we talk about limited government, so I think one of their motives clearly is death to the conservative movement and the Republican Party.”
Viguerie agreed if all the new immigrants vote, it would spell the death of the Republican Party. But he also worries about another way the party might be destroyed.
“The Republican Party, if it were to nominate a pro-amnesty candidate, would self-destruct and not be able to politically survive having a political candidate that is pro-amnesty,” Viguerie said. “It would just drive a stake in the hearts of the grassroots Republican voters, and there would be almost no chance the Republican nominee could win the election.”
Regarding the field of likely 2016 GOP presidential contenders, Viguerie believes Jeb Bush is completely on the wrong side of the immigration issue. He said Marco Rubio and Scott Walker are suspect on the issue, even though Walker recently talked about the need to reform legal immigration.
“But a Bobby Jindal, a Ted Cruz are solidly anti-amnesty,” Viguerie said. “They’re in sync with the majority of the Republican voters and the majority of Americans.”
Schlafly agreed that Cruz is a good anti-illegal immigration candidate, and she praised Walker for his comments on legal immigration. Nevertheless, she believes any Republican who wants to limit immigration is swimming upstream.
“The powers-that-be, the propagandists, big media, and the big donors in the Republican Party are all pushing this massive immigration,” she said. “And of course that’s the view of big business – they want the cheap labor.”
The Census Bureau projects that the U.S. immigrant population will grow nearly four times faster than the native population. It will reach 15.8 percent by 2030 and 18.8 percent by 2060, at which time there will be 78 million immigrants in the country. By contrast, there were only 20 million immigrants in the U.S. in 1990, accounting for 7.9 percent of the population.
Schlafly and Viguerie say the GOP could decline under a flood of new immigrants, but so could the country.
“We may be at a breaking point already, I don’t know,” Schlafly said. However, she noted that she remains a Reagan optimist and doesn’t believe America will totally collapse.
Viguerie thinks the breaking point might not be that distant.
“We may be closer to that than we suspect, because Obama is on a fast track to change the voting demographics of this country by importing tens of millions of Democrat voters from South America, and so we could reach a tipping point within a few years,” he said.
“We’ve got a large percentage of people here who are not Americans, they don’t want to be Americans, they’re not assimilating, they want to keep their culture, they want to keep their language, they don’t know our history.”
Viguerie specifically referenced radical Muslims as one group that should not be let into the country.
“We need a different vetting system,” Viguerie declared. “We need to vet these people. We need to keep out radical Muslims. If you’re a radical Muslim, you should not be coming to this country, and we don’t have a proper vetting system for people who are interested in our destruction.”
Ultimately, Viguerie believes it will take strong leadership to stem the tide of immigration and preserve a uniquely American culture. However, the veteran fundraiser is not entirely optimistic.
“We don’t have the leadership in the Congress, we don’t have the leadership certainly in the executive branch, and we don’t have it in the Republican Party,” he said.
Viguerie said it will be up to voters to demand that their leaders solve the immigration crisis. He hopes some of the newer tea party-affiliated congressmen will provide real leadership on the immigration issue.
“Right now, most of the people who are thought to be leaders on the Republican side are intimidated by mainstream media and hesitant to step out, but it’s time to say we need to call a halt to mass immigration into this country here,” he said.
Schlafly, for her part, feels the American people are already on her side when it comes to immigration control. Indeed, a Gallup poll taken last June found a plurality of Americans, 41 percent, thought current immigration levels should be decreased. Only 22 percent thought they should be increased.
“I think the public opinion polls are showing that the majority of Americans agree with the views that I’ve been expressing,” Schlafly contended. “However, major media doesn’t put it out that way.”
She said ordinary people just need to keep talking about how immigration is harming them, and eventually politicians and the media will no longer be able to ignore them.
Viguerie said immigration should be slowed down.
“Let us catch our breath here and figure out, because the world is changing in front of our eyes,” Viguerie said. “Much of the world is moving toward a virulently anti-American, anti-Western values belief system. And we need to take a look at who’s coming into this country, and what are their views and values.”


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