Friday, April 24, 2015

Of Course, Hillary Will Not Be The Democratic Candidate, Its A Foregone Conclusion. It's Obama For The Foreseeable Future.

Will the Clinton-Cash Scandal Doom

 Hillary’s Presidential Bid?

How should one think about the unfolding allegations
 rocking the Clinton-Industrial Complex (which
 includes both her campaign and her foundation)?

By now, you may have heard about Peter 
Schweizer’s book, Clinton Cash: The 
Untold Story of How and Why Foreign 
Governments and Businesses Helped 
Make Bill and Hillary Rich.

The book isn’t even out yet, and Clinton’s team is already sheltering in place like Churchill’s
 cabinet during the Blitz. That’s in part because Schweizer, a conservative author and dogged
 investigative journalist, has teamed up with the notorious right-wing rags the New York Times 
and the Washington Post to essentially re-report and expand on allegations made in the book.
 Source: The National Review
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