Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Outsiders Causing Problems In Baltimore. Finally Someone With Some Sense!

Holder, Obama Marxist Agitators Blamed By 

Baltimore City Councilman For Violence In Protests

We’ve heard the same type of claims being made since Obama and Holder first stoked the flames of street violence in the protests of Ferguson. Outsiders, not those belonging to the community, are being identified by those who live there as the ones responsible for the violence and who continue to foment the unrest that the regime has started with their words.

The fact that Eric Holder is no longer the Attorney General hasn’t changed the agenda. It may even provide him with more freedom for his misdeeds and, if it is even possible, less accountability. He has his protégé’ and fellow racist partisan Loretta Lynch in place to cover his back and his tracks.

Councilman Brandon Scott appears to understand that outsiders are behind the violence. He says, “We have to point out these pariah that go from town to town, ruining peoples’ protests, ruining people, using people’s emotions for their own benefit and for their own agenda.”

Baltimore Councilman Rick Wells

He may not fully comprehend or be willing to admit at whose urging and to what end it is taking place but he seems to be on the right track.

Rick Wells is a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it. And if you have the time, check out for more posts here.


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